Our date and the sleep over at Tim's sister's house

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Later that day. Tim and I started to get ready for our date.

I was working on my hair when Tim in.
"You should leave it down." He said.
I looked at him.
"You're joking, right?" I asked.
"No." He said, "Your hair pretty down."
I let it down. I had just curled it.
"I dunno, babe." I said.
"It's beautiful." He said, coming up behind me and placing his hands on my waist and kissing the back of my head, "Your beautiful."
I turned around.
"Even when you don't have makeup on." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
"You ready?" He asked.
"When you are." I said.
"Well, let's go." He said.

We got to the restaurant.
"Timothy, how?" I asked, "Dad couldn't even get a reservation here last week for me and him. How did you get one for me and you?"
"I know the owners. I give them a mention that you and your dad." He said.
We went into Hector's. Hector's is a real fancy restaurant that requires you to dress up and have a reservation a week prior.
"Timothy, hey." The girl said, 'You must be LIerena Gibbs. His girlfriend."
"Hi." I said.
She took us into a room that only had one table in it.
"This is where I normally sit." He said as he pulled out my chair.
I sat down, and he pushed me in. The girl closed the door so we could have more privacy, and it would be more romantic. He stuck out his hand, and I took it.
"Why back here?" I asked.
"I'm good friends with the owners son and my sister, his dating him." He said, "The girl that sat us down is their daughter."
"You really didn't have to. I would've been fine with going to a fast food company. But this is very sweet. Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome, sweetheart." He said.
Then the door opened.
"I thought I heard my best friend was here and he brought a girl. Tim, I'm actually surprised that you're brought a girl. I thought my sister was joking." He said.
"I'm afraid that she's right. Daniel Hector, this is my girlfriend, LIerena Gibbs." Tim said.
"Hi." I said.
"She pretty." He said.
"Thank you." I said.
"Damn. I thought your sister was a ten, but you scored better than me. She is twenty. My God." He said.
"Oh my God." I mumbled as I put my hand to my forehead, resting my elbow on the table.
"Do you have to do this right now? You're embarrassing my date." He said.
"Sorry, man. Like I said. I'm just surprised." Daniel said.
"Can you stop? We get it. I'm hot. You don't have to rub it in. Tim does not need to come in here with you telling that. Now you either get out and leave me and Tim alone, or you either have someone take our order or you do it yourself." I said.
"Damn. Feisty, too. I'll leave." He said.
He left, closing the door behind him.
"How did I get lucky?" He said.
"Dunno." I said, "Plus, boys constantly hit on me before Tuesday of this week."
"Sorry bout him. He had a bet when we were kids that if he got a hot girl to be his girlfriend I'll give him twenty bucks if I got a hot girl to be my girlfriend then I get thirty bucks." He said.
"How hot?" I asked.
"At least an eight." He said.
"You won, did you?" I asked.
"I might have." He said.
The door opens again.
"Here's your thirty bucks." Daniel said.
"Thank you." Tim said.
Daniel left.
"They allow eighteen year old drink alcohol here as long as they have an adult at least twenty-one here with them." He said.
"You over twenty-one." I said.
"They have fancy alcohol here." He said.
"I'll drink wine. I'm not picky." I said.
"Okay." He said, "Will red work?"
"Yes." I said.
The waiter came in
"Can I start you off with any alcoholic beverages?" He said.
"Red wine, please, and leave the bottle." Tim said.
"Yes, Mr. McGee." He said.
He left, and Daniel came back.
"Can you say something to your parents?" Tim said.
"Yeah, sure." Daniel said.
"Could you think about letting her and her dad eat here without a reservation." Tim said.
"I'll see." Daniel said, leaving.
"Timmy." I said.
"I can get you jewelry for free." He said.
"You know a jeweler?" I asked.
"I do." He said.
"Jesus, Tim." I said.
He laughed. Then it got quiet. Tim opened the door to see what was going on.
"He's got a knife." He said.
I started bunching up my dress.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"You'll see." I said.
I started walking to the guy.
"Sir, put the knife down." I said.
"Or what?" He said.
He ran toward me with the knife. I dodged it again and again and again and again. I grabbed the guy's arm and twisted it, then put it behind his back, and he dropped the knife, and I kicked it over to Tim. I pushed the guy on his stomach and pinned him to the ground with my foot till the police got here. I let the skirt of my dress down as Tim came over with the knife holding it with a napkin. He wrapped his free arm around me and gave the knife to the police.

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