The first few days of being first time parents

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A couple of days later, I got to take Lakely home, and she was asleep, so I put her in her crib. I sat down and watched her sleep.
"Why don't you get some sleep?" Dad asked.
"I'm okay." I said.
"Go to bed. I'll wake you up when she gets hungry." He said.
"Okay." I said.
I went to my room and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Three hours later, Dad woke me up.
"What?" I asked
"Lakely's hungry." He said.
"How long has she been up?" I asked, sitting up.
"An hour. I figured I let you sleep." he said, handing Lakely to me, "I'll let you feed her."
Dad left, and I got my shirt off and part of my bra and started to breastfeed her. She stopped crying and fed on my breast milk.
"You were hungry," I said.
Tim came in.
"Someone's hungry." He said.
"Yeah." I said.
He sat next to me and watched Lakely breastfeed.
"You're so good with her." He said
"Babies love me." I said.
"You know who else loves you?" He asked.
"You?" I asked
"Yes." He answered.
"I love you too." I said.
So he kissed me, and I kissed back. Tim pulled away. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I snuggled up to him, and Lakely stopped and looked at us, smiling at us. I put my bra strap back on my shoulder and just held her while I was snuggled with Tim. He kissed my head. Lesley was looking at us cooing. She's a happy baby. I looked at her and smiled.
"She's got your eyes, Tim." I said.
Tim looked and said, "Yeah, she does."
Lakely continued to coo. I feel like I'm in a dream that I don't want to wake up from, but it's not a dream. I'm here holding a newborn in my arms that Tim and I created. Tim broke the silence.
"She looks like you." He said.
I laughed a bit and said, "Yeah, but with your eyes."
"Yeah." He said.
She giggled and continued to coo. I looked at Tim.
"Do you want to hold her?" I asked.
"Gimme, my daughter." He said.
I smiled and handed him Lakely. He took her and held her. Her cooing got happier and louder, and she was smiling at him.
"Looks like she's a daddy's girl." I said.
"Like you." Tim said.
"Well. My mom and sister died when I was 5, so that's all I really know how to be." I said.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"It's fine." I said, "She's the first in my family that would have a great grandparent in her life."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said.

That night, as Lakely slept in her crib and dad slept in his bed, Tim and I were in my bed cuddling and giggling.
"Stop." I complain, but I didn't want him to stop annoying me.
He stuck out his tongue and tried to touch my nose with it. I pulled away.
"Timothy!" I said laughing.
He was laughing.
"We're going to wake dad and Lakely up if we don't stop." I said.

After an hour, we finally settled down and fell asleep it was by the time we fell asleep it was 11 o'clock. I felt comfortable in Tim's arms. My face was buried in his chest. I wanted to stay like that forever, but I know I couldn't because of the way Tim works.
We slept till Tim's alarm went off. We both woke up.
"You go back to sleep." He said.
"Okay." I said, going back to sleep.

The next time I woke up was when Lakely was crying. I got up and went to the nursery. I got her diaper changed, and I was sitting in the rocking chair breastfeeding her. My gramps came and came up to the nursery.
"What are you doing here, gramps?" I asked.
"I thought you might could use some help. Well, since you did give birth to my great granddaughter. He said.
I smiled.
"You're sweet." I said.
"Well." He said, sitting on the stool beside me, "When it comes to boys, you have to be a little bit harder on them than you do with girls. Believe me, I raised your father, and he's...."
"Hard headed." I said, finishing his sentence, "I know."
"You know you remind me a lot like your father. Not just by the color of your eyes, but you got that same confident look in them. You look exactly like your mother and have her kind and gentle nature, but with Jethro's eyes and personality." He said.
I smiled.
"You're a perfect combination of your parents." He continued, "Jethro's proud of you."
"He's hard on me." I said.
"He's hard on you because he loves you, but you're his pride and joy." He said.
"He used to come to the football games just to watch me cheer. And he brought you when you were in town." I said.
"When someone asked him why he was looking at the cheerleaders, he would proudly point you out and say as proud as he could. 'That's my baby girl right there'. He had a proud smile on his face as he watched you." He said.
I smiled.
"I am not staying cooped up in this house with a newborn." I said.
"That's why I'm here. So when you want to get away, I'll be here taking care of that baby." He said.
"Thanks, Gramps." I said.
"Anytime, kiddo." He said.

At noon, I decided to take both dad and Tim something to eat.
"Do you want me to stay here with Lakely?" Gramps asked.
"No, I figured Ziva, Tony, Vance, Palmer, Ducky, and Abby want to meet Lakely." I said.
"Okay." He said.
I put Lakely in her carrier and put her in the back seat of my truck, and got in and drove to the Naval yard. Once I got there, I grabbed both Tim's and dad's lunches, and I got Lakely out of the truck and went in going to the floor my dad and his team worked on.
I got off the elevator and started walking towards them.
"Looks who it is." Tony said.
"Hi, Tony." I said, walking past him.
I put dad's lunch on his desk, and Tim's on his. Then I showed Ziva my newborn.
"Aw. Isn't she cute?" Ziva said.
I smiled, and Lakely cooed. Then I showed Tony my newborn. Tony laughed a little.
"Yeah, really cute." He said sarcastically.
I kicked him in the leg hard.
"Ow." He said, "You kick hard for a girl."
"Tony. I'm a black belt in Ninjutsu and Kungfu. Don't test me.
"Oooo. Burn." Ziva said.
I took Lakely down to the forensics lab where Abby is. Once I got down there, some how Abby knew it was me.
"LIerena, if you don't have that baby, I'm gonna be mad." She said.
"You in luck." I said, setting the baby carrier with Lakely in it on the table.
Abby turned around and looked at Lakely.
"Well, don't you look like you're mom with your dad's eyes." Abby said in a baby voice.
I chuckled.
"She's cute, isn't she?" I asked.
"You and Tim made the cutest baby." She said.
"Who would have thought i would be a mom at 19?" I asked.
"You beat me." Abby said.
"Um Abbs. Me and Tim agreed to um let you be the godmother of her." I said.
"Why?" She asked.
"Well, because we trust you." I said.
"But you got your dad and grandpa, and Tim's got his sister." She said.
"I know, but gramps and dad aren't getting any younger, and who knows with Tim's sister. So we just want to be prepared in case if something happens to me, dad, gramps, Tim, and his sister." I said.
"Good point. Who else are you going to show her to?"
"Ducky, Palmer, and Vance." I said.
"I going to leave you to it." She said.
"Okay." I said.
So I went down to the morgue where Palmer and Ducky are. I walked in.
"Do you two want to see a cute baby?" I asked.
"Bring the child." Ducky said.
I brought her over. They awed over her.
"Did you tell Abby that she's going to be a godmother?" Palmer asked.
"I did." I said.
"I think it's good you being prepared for the worst." Ducky said.
"Thank you, Ducky." I said.
I left and went to go see Vance.
"Hey Vance." I said.
"I see you have that baby with you." He said.
"Do you want to see her?" I asked.
"Of course." He said.
I let him see her.
"She's adorable." He said, "I remember when your father brought you in here for the first time when you were only five. You hide behind your father's leg."
I smiled.
"Look at you now." He said.

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