(7) Additions

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Picking up Pairih was sort of a spur-of-the-moment sorta thing. I was sitting at the campfire, idly reading one of the books I had packed with me while I thought over a couple things, and then I heard some rustling close-by. At first, I was gonna just ignore it and let whatever-it-was go about its business ─ Just let nature do as it does and all that, but then the sounds started getting closer.

It was obvious that a battle was going down. Perhaps even one that involved a Magical Beast capable of, well, Magic judging from the sounds of crackling lightning coming from the forest, as well as the flashes of light.

So, wanting to see if it was something I could deal with before it got close to where Roxul and I were laying our heads for the night, I went to check it out. A decision that wound up pretty profitable in one way or another.

I didn't need much of a light source since the ongoing battle was more than enough to lead the way, watching from afar amongst the trees. The first thing I saw upon arrival was a hairy, caterpillar-like monster facing off against what looked like a yellow-furred panther.

The size difference alone would probably lead one to believe that the vastly smaller insect should've died the very second this interaction began ─ especially when the panther has crackling bolts of lightning streaking around it like some kind of veil ─ but the numerous injuries on both sides had led me to believe that, despite expectations, the little insect was holding its own.

My interest was piqued instantly, and it only heightened as the conflict continued. A rapid stream of electric bolts were sent at the insect, but all of them seemed to either fizzle out or bounce off the surface of its exoskeleton as it rushed forward.

Seeing its opponent approaching rapidly, the panther got into position to make a swipe with its claw, aiming to cleave the insect into pieces then and there. However, a blinding flash of light appeared to wash over the insect. The sudden assault on the beast's senses seemed to be what it was aiming for, and it succeeded, leaving its opponent in a state of confusion.

With its opening spotted, the insect went in for its attack ─ a rather unexpected one at that. As it came only a few inches from its foe, it curved its body forward, exposing the back of its upper body to the panther. What came next was a swift motion from the spines on its back, sending them jutting out a short distance like arrows, a good few of them managing to hit their mark.

The effect of the injection was near-instant ─ the beast roared in pain as it trashed about, swiftly smacking the insect away from itself, sending it crashing onto the hard side of a tree, chipping a bit more of its already damaged exoskeleton. Though, in the end it looked like the insect had taken the victory, as while it was able to steady itself after the violent impact, the panther was having a slightly worse time.

As purple splotches grew larger on its hide, the spasms it made grew more violent ─ clearly a stroke in effect, obviously caused by whatever the insect had forced into its bloodstream. After a while spent in violent convulsions, the panther finally stopped, either dead or incapacitated.

Regardless of its status, it was clear to see that it was an impressive display. And more than that, an incredibly intriguing prospect. A small creature overcoming a seemingly insurmountable obstacle ─ The story of David and Goliath unfolded right before my eyes, though in a rather... unorthodox variation.

And so, with the conflict over and done with, I moved closer to the obviously exhausted specimen. Despite its fatigue, it was able to key in on my presence instantly. It accordingly got back onto its many feet, trained solely on me at that moment, understandably still on edge after just barely escaping with its life.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as an Overpowered Elf (Tensura x OC)Where stories live. Discover now