(12) Training As One Can

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The Stinada Republic was a new and extremely small nation with a population totaling barely above three thousand, with about twenty-six hundred of those being combatants that served as the nation's entire military force.

That twenty-six hundred was oftentimes divided by half as they were outsourced to other nearby nations, acting as a secondary source of income past the trading of monster parts.

Matter of fact, by the time Radriel and Roxul had arrived, a majority of Stinada's forces were deployed east towards the Kingdom of Falmuth in order to complete a job issued to them by said nation's king.

And as of today, that same group had made their way back. The residents of the Republic of course rushed to the scene once they heard the news, children staring in awe at the ones they considered role models, family members relieved at the return of their loved ones, and fellow soldiers who remained in the Republic glad to see their brothers and sisters-in-arms.

Of course, they weren't without their scrapes and bruises. Considering the scale of their assigned task, that was unavoidable, but on the other hand, with the job they were given, having their fighters come home steadied on the shoulders of their allies could have been considered a miracle by some.

However, the rest saw the safe return of those brave souls as the results of the leadership of one man, who walked at the forefront of the returning party, a strong air of authority radiating from him despite his deadpan expression. If he was tired from the recent excursion, he didn't show it, and if the large sword holstered on his back was adding to that, that too would remain a mystery.

Regardless, the party continued their march to their barracks; one of the larger buildings in the Republic; until their leader spun around to address them, not bothering to comment on how some of those standing closer to him had to duck away from the long swipe of his large ashy-blonde ponytail.

"Right! You've all done well, so rest up, enjoy yourselves. If you've got any injuries, disinfect and wrap them until the healers get their strength back. Dismissed!"

With his part said, the man went his own way while his men went theirs, making his way to the Republic's center, where the building that housed the nation's Council stood. As soon as he approached, the guards stationed outside the building wordlessly stepped aside to make way, opening the set of doors to allow him entry.

Making his way down a relatively barren corridor, lined with little more than a handful of soldiers standing guard, he found himself before another set of doors, however before he could enter, he heard a voice calling to him, followed by hurried footsteps.

"Commander Potamer!"

Turning to the voice in question, the man, Potamer, was met with a young man, who immediately came to a halt once he was met with the gaze of his commander's brown eyes.

"Hmm? What's up, Taka?"
"A-Ah... Well, as per the rules, no weapons are allowed within the Council's Meeting Room... So, uh... If you wouldn't mind..."

Sighing, Potamer acquiesced to the request, reaching to his side to unhook the chakram at his waist and handing it to his subordinate. He did the same for his sword, untying the sash for its sheath and passing it on as well.

Naturally, with the difference in the two's strength, Taka struggled to keep it from falling to the ground, but managed to get enough purchase to slowly drag it away to some room off to the side.

As he watched his subordinate struggle with his weapon, he couldn't help but think to himself, 'Hope he doesn't throw his back out with that...', but after seeing him disappear behind a corner, that thought left his mind, his focus returning to the door in front of him, pushing it open.

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