(FH4) Tireless

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In a wooded area close to the Stinada Republic, the sound of something unseen cracking against the surface of tree trunks mixed in with the occasional grunt of exertion.

While the townspeople believed it to be the efforts of a wounded beast crying out and desperately clawing away at whatever was in-range, the truth of the matter was far simpler than that.


With another growl, the pitch-black edge of a large sword struck against the surface of another tree trunk, splintered chunks flying off of it as if it had been hit by an axe.

It was clear to see that this particular tree was not the first victim of the antics of the young boy wielding that massive weapon; if not made evident by the numerous scratches and cuts decorating most of the surrounding foliage, then it was surely proven by the way he seemed to huff and puff with exhaustion.

In truth, the "wounded beast" sounds were actually Roxul, the young Hero-to-be having chosen the light woodlands as his training grounds in the two days that had passed.

One final cry rang out as he drove his sword into another tree trunk, however, as he tried to pull it free, he found himself falling back into the dirt, breathing heavily.

Meanwhile, Pup watched from the sidelines, having been watching her master's movements attentively, however, as he laid on the ground exhausted, she quickly trotted over to him, bladed tail swishing happily.

However, only a moment after she reached him did her ear twitch, and her body tense. Her claws dug into the ground as she glared sharply off to the side, letting out a juvenile growling noise.

Taking note of this and the heavy footsteps not too far away, Roxul was quick to figure what the issue was, and immediately stood from his spot on the ground, pulling the sword from its improvised wooden sheath and taking his best combative stance.

Meanwhile, the footsteps thumped louder and closer, and moments later, the source of them showed itself.

"...Another Giant Bear." Roxul said breathily.

The beast laid eyes on the pair it had stumbled upon, and was quick to bare its fangs, standing on its hind legs in a way that seemed to suit it far more than its previous quadrupedal state.

Its name was no exaggeration. It was a massive creature, standing around four meters tall and sporting incredible musculature and a coat that could likely snap some weaker swords apart, and clearly it knew that, as it immediately darted forward with exposed claws.

"Come on, work with me!" Roxul cried as he lunged forward, the sword held high above his head as the distance between him and the towering menace closed.

Surely, with the size of the sword, and Roxul's own physical capabilities, the swing would do some devastating damage, even if it wasn't a fatal hit.

However, that wouldn't be proven true or false, as the moment he prepared to pull his weapon back down to cleave at the bear, he found an extreme force working against him, dragging, and Roxul straight to the ground with a thud.

Not facing the same difficulties, the Giant Bear continued on its assault, with its talons quickly closing in on Roxul in his vulnerable position.

Fortunately, seeing him in danger, Pup was quick to intervene the best she could, taking in a quick breath before firing off a Voice Cannon, and though it didn't do any real damage, the attack was loud enough to stagger the beast.

Letting out a frustrated growl, Roxul took his hands off the sword's handle and lunged forward, quickly pumping aura into his fist as he sent it crashing into the Bear's stomach. Seeing his opponent reeling, he took the opportunity to call his Elemental Spirit for one more attack.

Before the Giant Bear knew, a vibrant, raging torrent of fire was spewing towards it, burning away at fur, hide and flesh alike as the felled beast tumbled to the ground.

As the flames petered out, Pup cautiously approached it, sniffing it curiously. Now sure that it was dead, she wasted no time in sinking her teeth into it, her blade-like teeth helping her to get past the tough hide and almost equally tough meat.

Meanwhile, Roxul fell to his knees, huffing and puffing harder than before, sweat falling from his forehead and falling to the ground. After all, the encounter with the Giant Bear only added onto his fatigue.

"Why won't this stupid sword work with me?" he huffed indignantly, knocking his fist against the flat of the large weapon. 

However, the gesture only served to send a jolt of pain through his arm, and he went sprawling to the ground with a loud grumble.

Once again, he found Pup padding her way beside him, this time carrying a chunk of Bear meat in her jaws, dropping it on the ground next to him and nudging it with her nose as an offering.

"Uh... Thanks, Pup, but I don't think it's all the way cooked..." he said, tiredly patting the cub's head, "You go ahead, though."

Though Pup momentarily tilted her head curiously at him, she didn't oppose the offer and got straight to chowing down on the chunk of meat. If nothing else, the display was enough to put a slight smile on Roxul's face.

That aside, Roxul then turned his attention to the sword still buried in the dirt beside him, shakily grasping at the handle. 

Just as he had expected, as he raised it high up towards the orange-tinted afternoon sky, it was almost weightless as he wielded it. "...What the hell am I doing wrong here?"

"I don't think it's anything you're doing wrong personally. It's more likely to do with the sword you're trying to use."

Surprisingly, a voice responded to his rhetorical question. Naturally, it put both Roxul and Pup on guard, with the former quickly yet shakily jumping to his feet and the latter once again growling in the voice's direction with flattened ears.

The sound of rustling in the underbrush once again grew louder, however, this time, the pair wasn't met by the imposing figure of a beast, but rather, a tall, lean man with a long strand of blond hair slung over one shoulder and a little girl sitting on the other.

"Easy there. Despite popular belief, I'm not a monster. And apparently, neither are you..."

With a knitted brow, the young girl would point an accusatory finger at Roxul, saying, "Hey, that's no beast! It's just a sweaty, dirty blond kid!" Before turning to the man who's shoulder she was sitting on with a smile, "No offense, Uncle Potamer. You make it look cool!"

"The "dirty, smelly" part or the "blond" part...?"

Though confused by the girl's comment, and the whole exchange that just unfolded, Roxul had figured that the two strange people that had showed up meant no harm, so at the very least, he could loosen his fists.

As he did, Pup's attention suddenly snapped away from the two strangers and over to her master, a look in her eyes that seemed almost... worried.

Taking note of the cub's change in focus, the man also turned his eyes to the boy. "Hey, kid, you might wanna sit down for a second─"

However, before he could finish his suggestion, Roxul had fallen over, finally giving out to his exhaustion.

"...Or you can fall flat on your face. That works, too."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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