|- hope

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3rd person pov

Loki has just learnt to control his time slipping. He can finally learn to travel in time and save the universe, but at what cost? He never wanted to be alone yet in most cases he was. He'd lost his brother, mother, father and everyone who'd ever seen him more than the monster he thought he was.

He wanted everyone to know what a good person he was. He'd learnt to love, to live, to recognise whats going on around him. At first, he was afraid of turning soft, like his brother, because of a woman. But now he can't blame thor, because the same thing has happened to him, but not by the cause of a woman.

As soon as loki knew he could control his time slipping, he went back to his friends, before victor timely had been turned into spaghetti and tried to fix it

What could they have done differently?

He found himself in the same place he was in before all of his friends got reseted into there own timeline.

O.B was telling victor all of the instructions and loki stood and watched, waiting for something to happen. It was hard. Even though he'd killed hundreds of people, it still hurt to see another one go. He'd changed.

Victor quickly ran down the stairs and you could hear him suiting up getting ready to go out in the high radiation.

Loki couls hear someone running towards him, to get a closer look of what was happening out there. He recognised the smell. The smell of aftershave with a hint of spicy vanilla. It was mobius. Loki didn't know why, but around mobius he felt the urge to scream. He always wanted to impress and look good around him. But he wasn't sure what this feeling was.

Everyone could hear the doors opening, a loud rusty sound. Loki stood and waited for something to happen. Very quickly, you could hear a faded scream, which was timely.
To get an answer as soon as possible, loki quickly ran towards O.B and asked,
"What could we have done differently?"
He hesitated a little, but finally answered:
"I don't know. Maybe we just weren't fast enough."

In that moment, loki knew that he had to go back, and he had to save his friends. He couldn't be alone.

Loki time slipped, he time slipped to the same moment as he had time slipped before, but this time made everything quicker.

As soon as timely started going down the stairs listening to the instructions o.b was giving him, loki interrupted him and rushed saying it all for him, everyone gave him a confused look but loki just ignored it. He had to save his friends. He had to save mobius

There it was again, that name, it feels almost nostalgic hearing it, even though they'd not known each other long enough for anything to be nostalgic. But he just wanted to be close to him. Touch him. Kiss him. Everything. Was this a crush? Was this love? He thought to himself.

He told victor to rush, he was already suited up. He ran out to the platform, and he got spaghettified. Again.

Mobius' pov:

Loki was acting strange. It was like he'd already done this. I keep seeing him in the corner of my eye looking at everything as if he knew how everything was going to work out. It was strange.

I walked up to him, because i was concerned but there was something stopping me. It was like there was this barrier around him stopping me from doing anything. Not because of him, because of me. I feel so nervous around him and i try not to be, because..well, i wanna seem confident. I want to impress him. Is that weird? I feel like it is. Im not like in love with him but...he really does has something to his element. I want to touch his silky black hair, i want to have him forever.. but just because we're friends, right?

I noticed that he wasn't stressing about this situation as much as the rest of us were. Like he could go back in time to prevent it or something.

hold on..

I see him talking to o.b, and i go to walk up to him and ask him this bizzare question, and then i see that hes gone. Where did he go?

Loki's pov:

Was anything ever going to work? Will i still be doing this till the day i die? What did we do wrong? I have so many questions.

I noticed that before i time slipped, mobius kept looking at me. I liked it, i wanted to tell him to keep his eyes on me, well..i know thats weird but  you know what i mean. I keep denying it but after all this time i think i could possibly know the reason i've gone soft. It's a bit mad, really. I've always known i've liked both men and women but i've never had something with a man.

I remember my first relationship. It was when i was still evil. Her name was lady sif. She was one of thors friends, and she was the only one that  didn't think i was all that bad as she had an evil element to her too. One night, we may or may not have slept together, and i cut off some of her hair. The next morning, i was gone and she had some hair missing. Ever since, she kind of hated me.
But i felt this was an opportunity to be good to the ones i truly loved in this way. But i didn't know how to play it out, around him i kind of lost all of my confidence. He even had a wife, he literally has kids. He's probably straight.

Right now, im sat down outside of o.b's workshop, in his timeline. Noones here, i just thought this would be a nice time to have a break from trying to save everything.

But will everything eventually work? I'm slowly losing hope. But i'll do it. For my friends. For mobius.


Word count- 1034

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