V- timeline

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Loki's pov-

I knew that i had to go back and start from the very beginning. I had to go back, to when Sylvie was going to kill he who remains. I have to stop Sylvie from killing him.

Sylvie was one of my friends. She was the variant we were searching for a while ago and convinced our friends to be on her side, to let everyone know the truth. I always liked her, as a friend, of course, but then we kissed just before she killed he who remains. But we were never in love, it was in the moment. My heart currently belongs to someone else.

I needed to time slip to just before she was going to kill him in order to stop her. The reason she really got away with it last time, was only because she pushed me through a time door. But this time i'll keep defending him, to save my friends.

I stood up and time slipped to when me and Sylvie were fighting, thankfully she wasn't looking or that would've looked weird. Mobius described it as my body stretching or something.

I used my dagger that my kid version had given me, blocking my own body as well as he who remains.

I decide that the verbal way is the best way to get this across. I open my mouth to speak:

"Sylvie, Sylvie, stop. Please, this will mess up everything don't kill him"
"If you don't want me to kill him, you'll have to kill me"
I was stunned by the way and how she said that. So confidently, i could never kill her, does she really think of me like that?

She pushes me to the ground and i groan, as soon as i put my head up i can hear the slashing sounds of the knife cutting he who remains. I wish i could let Sylvie know what this led to, but that wouldn't do anything because she wouldn't believe me.

I decide to time slip a little earlier, so that it isn't in the middle of a fight.
Me and Sylvie are standing in-front of the chairs we must've just been sat on and Sylvie points her sword towards he who remains. I knew that i had to get into action.

She starts going for the kill (literally) and starts trying to get past me as she continues to get to he who remains to kill him.

"Sylvie, Sylvie listen. Just listen." I put my hands on her shoulders, this seemed to slow things down last time
"Killing him will and i say this confidently, will make the timeline explode. We will all die, im afraid you're going to have to trust me"

She pauses for a second and looks down. Did it work?

"You don't want me to kill him? You'll have to kill me."

She pushes me away, once again and i decide to just stay on the ground because i know whats going to come next. The slash sound going through he who remains comes on cue, and i know that that was also my cue, to try again.

This time, i decided to let even more time between the sitting and the fighting. For one, i needed a break, and two, it might have a higher chance of actually working.

We're sitting on the ring, he who remains is talking about how he knows everything thats going to happen, and i just sit there and rest, not bothering to listen in, because i know how this goes.

Then i almost forget the main reason I'm actually here earlier, i need to convince Sylvie that it's not worth it.

"Wait--" i interrupt there conversation
"What do you want, Loki" she says, annoyed
"Sylvie you can't kill him. The rings around the timeline will break and explode as well as the actual timeline, everyone gets spaghettified and eventually we probably all die"
He who remains looks at me with a grin on his face. As if he knows
"Spaghettified? Loki what's going on with you. One second you're all in with killing him and the next your not" she reply's
"Because i listened. I listened to the consequences and the risks and its just not worth doing, please listen to me, this one time"
"Okay..fine. Come on"

She walks over a couple metres away from the desk that he who remains is on, and we seem to be next to a book shelf. She turns around to face he who remains

She then quickly runs over to him and kills him. I knew it wouldn't work. Earlier.

I time slip to when we were in the elevator, Sylvie holding a sword against the poor man who's just eating an apple.

As Sylvie tries to kill him, he disappears.
"Where did he go?"
"He'll be there when we get out of this thing."
"How do you know?"
"Sylvie do me a favour and don't kill him. Im from the future. I know exactly whats going to happen and I've lived this moment like a thousand times. The consequences are, you feel bad, well i hope, and the timeline is creating infinite branches--"
"Great! Free will"
"No Sylvie. Not great. Everyone dies and gets spaghettified which you'll understand later if you really go through with it. Just listen. Its not hard to think about other people" i say in a more harsh, serious tone.
"Don't want me to kill him? You'll have to kill me first."

She said that a little earlier this time, normally she says that right as shes about to kill him. Oh no.

The second the doors open she runs towards him, ready to stab him. I grab her wrist.

"Get off Loki, and don't you dare call me selfish after everything you've done. I want free will, you want a throne."
"A throne is the last thing i want- Sylvie please--"
Once again i get cut off by the cut off, of he who remains' heart. This time with tears in my eyes.

I have to save everyone. I have to keep trying.

Word count- 1026

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