✨Chapter 4✨

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-The next day-

Katie was walking around the woods, she recently informed jim, and toby that she would not be able to go to trollmarket very often, therefore she has a lot on her shoulders.

As katie was walking around the forest, she spotted a river stream, she decides to go, and sit down next to the river, she decides to take out her new sketch book that she got as a gift from strickler as a 'thank you' gift.

As she was sketching, she heard a twig snap, she quickly looks around to see if anything was around, "Hello?" katie called out, but no respond, she then shrugs it off, thinking it was a deer, or other animals, she then continues sketching the river.

Bular has recently spotted katie, and decides to walk over to her to tease her, but he accidentally stepped on a twig, he quickly lowers himself to avoid being spotted, katie looks around to see if anyone was around, she then calls out, and no response, as bular watched katie continue sketching, he decides to sneak up behind her.

As katie was looking at the river, and back at her sketch book, she felt a heavy breath on the back of her neck, she looks behind her, and bular roared, causing katie to jump, and trip into the river, as katie got out of the river, she noticed how bular was giving a chuckle, "Not funny, bular" katie exclaims, bular continues to chuckle, "It was funny to me" bular stated teasingly, katie then gave a cheeky grin, "Oh, really?" katie asks, and quickly splashed bular with the water, bular shakes the water off, and looks at katie with a grin, "Oh, now you've done it" bular stated, katie gave a nervous chuckle, and started to run the opposite direction, Bular decides to chase after her.

After a while of running, bular started to catch up to katie, and pins her to the ground, katie grunts, but gave a slight chuckle, bular gave a slight chuckle back, "Well, wasn't that fun?" bular asks, katie continues to chuckle, "Yea, most certainly a good way to wake a person up." katie stated, bular gave a slight chuckle, and decides to get off of her, "So, what are you gonna-" bular paused as he smells another troll on katie, bular then gave a slight growl, "Whats wrong?" katie asks, "Why do you smell like another troll?" bular asks, "Oh, that was because i was busy sparing with draal in trollmarket" katie exclaims, "Hm... what is it like there?" bular asks while walking to were katie was, katie decides to follow him, "Well, there was the heartstone, and not a lot of trolls liked me, and they all know that i'm a werewolf now..." katie explains, bular gave a huff, "Did they hurt you?" bular asks, katie looks at bular slightly confused, "No, but draal, and i were just sparring to see what else i can do with my werewolf powers" katie explained, bular suddenly raised a eye brow, "And what can you really do with you... 'werewolf powers'?" bular asks, katie gave a slight grin.

-Time skip-

After a while of chatting, bular seems rather impressed of what a werewolf can do, and starts to like katie, and her company, they soon reached the river were they met up at, katie walks over to her things, and packs them into her bag, "Good thing that they are not wet" katie exclaims, bular gave a slight chuckle, bular decides to sit down where the sun won't hit him, he looks over to katie, and noticed how lovely the sun hit her skin, bular exhales, and continues staring at katie.

Katie turns around, and noticed that bular was next to a tree, in the shade, she feels bad that bular doesn't get to see the sun for it's beauty, She decides to walk over to bular, bular noticed that katie was walking towards him, and decides to get up, "What are we gonna do now?" katie asks, bular was about to reply till his stomach rumbled, katie noticed bular was starting to get hungry, "You hungry?" katie asks, bular looks at katie and nods, katie suddenly has an idea, "Come on, i'll lead you to some human's" katie stated, bulars eyes slightly widened, "Are you sure? Your not weirded out by it?" bular asks slightly confused, katie turns around to see bular, "Yeah, plus you would actually be doing me, and some people a favor, since these kind of people are... jerks, and doesn't quite respect others boundaries" katie exclaims, bular tilts his head slightly, "Very well then. Lead the way." bular exclaims.

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