Please note i don't own trollhunters, i just love the show, but i didn't like how bular ended, so i'm just gonna make my own story about bular, but with a twist, you'll find out in the story.
Thank you! Hope you guys enjoy!
Warning: violents, and threats! Please if you guys Do not like the idea, please do not read, but if you do, then continue, and read at your own risk!
-The next morning-
Katie has woken up, and groaned to herself, she rubs her eyes, and yawns, she then gets up from her bed, and walks over to her desk, and pick up her phone, she then noticed a message from nomura.
'Hey, Katie, we need the last 5 pieces, can you bring them to the museum? This would really mean a lot to us. See you soon!' Nomura's message exclaims.
Katie starts to run over to the bathroom, and brush her teeth, and do her morning routines. Once she was done with that, she then quickly runs to her room, and picks out an outfit.
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Once katie was done getting dressed, she quickly grabs her bag with the pieces, and runs downstairs, "Where you going in such a rush?" katie's mom asks, katie turns around, "Oh! Uh... I need to drop these artifacts off for nomura!" katie explained, "Oh, ok, well you might wanna use your bike then." katie's mom exclaims, katie gave a confused look, "What do you mean? My bike was broken by a jerk who ran over my bike" katie exclaims, katie's mom gave a slight chuckle, "No, not that, i mean this." katie's mom exclaims as she leads katie to the garage.
Katie's eyes widened, "Mom! You didn't!" katie shouted out pure shock, katie's mom giggles, "I figured since you have been working so hard that you might needed this to make your life slightly easier." katie's mom explained, "Thank you mom!" katie shouted while hugging her mom, "Ok, ok, now try it out. And be safe!" katie's mom exclaims, "I will!" katie shouted while getting onto her new motorcycle.
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-Time skip-
Once katie has arrived, she quickly hops off of her motorcycle, and runs inside the museum, katie noticed bular, and nomura, and another man.
Bular, and nomura noticed katie running towards them, "Hello, katie, You are quite early." nomura stated, katie gave a slight chuckle, "The earlier the better!" katie exclaims, katie then hands out her backpack, "here you guys go, every piece that i found is in there" katie stated, nomura takes the backpack, "Thank you katie, this will do." nomura exclaims with a slight smile, katie gave a slight smile back.