✨Chapter 10✨

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Hey Guys.
Quick note: I am gonna be trying out a different way of writing out my stories from now on, and let me know what you guys think.
Thank you, and enjoy the story!


-The next day-

Katie's eyes slowly fluttered open. She groans slightly, and did a little stretch.
She suddenly felt a deep exhale on her.
She looks down and noticed bular still sleeping on her stomach. Katie gave a slight smile, and decide to pet his head.

Bular groaned and slowly fluttered his eyes open.
Once his eyes were open, he looked over at katie and noticed she was awake.
"Good morning, Katie." Bular said.

Katie gave a slight chuckle, "Good morning to you to, bular." Katie replies.
"How did you sleep?" Katie asks.

Bular let out a grumble, "I slept just fine." Bular exclaims.
He then lifts himself up, and towers over her, "But how did you sleep?" Bular asks.

Katie then looks up at him, "I slept just fine, knowing i had a adorable protector with me." Katie teased.

Bular let out a slight chuckle, "So you wanna tease, huh?" Bular questions with a raised brow.

Katie let out a nervous chuckle.
"I am gonna regret it, am i?" Katie questioned.

Bular let out a quiet chuckle, "Maybe, but not right now. Maybe later tonight~" Bular teased with a slight grin. Whilst he lowers his head to katie.

Katie's lighted a bright pinkish, red-ish colour.
"Okay, okay quit teasing you." Katie chuckled while pushing his face away playfully.

Bular then let out a chuckle.
"Alright, i'll stop." Bular exclaims. He then lays back down, and gently curls up to katie and rests his head on his arm.

Katie leans back onto bular's side.
She then pulls out her phone from her pocket, and decides to text her mom.

While katie was texting her mother. Bular looks over and noticed katie's scar.
He gave a slight sigh, feeling guilty and regret.
He then moves closer to her and lifts her shirt.

Katie looks over at bular.
"What are you doing?" Katie asks. while raising a brow.

Bular then lifts his head to katie's level.
"I noticed your scar, and i want to make sure it wasn't infected." Bular explained.
"Will you allow me?" Bular asks

Katie looks to the side for a moment, thinking.
She then looks back at bular. "Okay bular, i will allow you." Katie exclaims.
She then kissed bular's forehead, "I also appreciate you doing this for me." Katie exclaims with a slight smile.

Bular gave a slight smile back, and licked her forehead. "I rather do anything for you, my lovely mate." Bular exclaims.
He then goes back to katie's scar, and licks it clean.

Katie went back to texting her mother for a distraction.

After a while, bular was then done cleaning katie's wound.
Bular then lifts his head from her injure. "Feeling better?" Bular asks

Katie looks over at bular and nods. "Yeah, that did actually helped a lot. Thank you." Katie exclaims, she then kissed his cheek in appreciation.

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