We Need To Talk Part 1

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I woke up early Monday morning, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, the daylight was shining through the curtains. By the looks of it I was the first one awake, the house was still so quiet and peaceful. After using the toilet I washed my hands, before proceeding to wash my face and freshen up.

I stop by at Beth and Viv's room before going back to my own room, I gently slide their door open. As I assumed they were both fast asleep, I creep in and smile at them.

"MORNINGGGG LONDON'S FINEST!" I shout causing both Beth and Viv to sit bolt upright. "What's going on?" Viv says in a state of shock. "You're gonna kill us off." Beth half laughs now fully awake and over the shock. "No please don't do that." I pout and sit on the top of their bed facing them. "Well if you insist on waking us up like that..." Beth shakes her head. "You should set an alarm then" I smirk. "Are we late?" "Nope, just thought you'd appreciate a nice wake up call from yours truly." Beth and Viv laugh at Mila. "I'm gonna get you back." Beth declares causing a laugh from Mila. "Oh it's on." Viv rolled her eyes jokingly at the pair, sometimes it was like she had two children living in her house, not one.

"Sooo, I have a day off today... no school" Mila declared. "No school?" Beth and Viv look at each other in confusion, they were not aware that the youngster was to be off school that particular Monday. "Yeah, a day off. What shall we do?" Mila was feeling cheeky, still so full of pride and excitement from the Arsenal game the night before. "We...? Wait why don't we know anything about this day off?" Beth says confused. Usually the school Mila went to were very good at keeping the parents informed of their term dates and events. "Maybe we can go out for lunch. Maybe go to crazy golf?" Viv smiles, Beth checked the phone app for the school and nothing was on there, she looked up at Mila who couldn't hold in her smirk or her laughter any longer. "Mila!" Mila looked fully at Beth and laughed, she fell to her side laughing. "You actually nearly had me there!" Beth said shocked. Viv laughs. "You can have a day off." "Wait really?" Mila questioned. "No she can't." Beth looks at Viv. "She needs her education." "Sorry kiddo." Viv gave a sympathetic look. Mila sighed a little, she'd have to work on not laughing and giving it away. Beth definitely wore the trousers in the relationship.

Mila headed to her room and began to get ready for her day at school. Beth and Viv also got ready and went downstairs to prepare breakfast and have their morning brew. While waiting for Mila, Beth decided upon having a look at her notifications, they were still blowing up from the Arsenal game, then something caught Beth's eye. "Vivianne..." she said, Viv looked up at Beth noticing the concern in Beth's voice. "What's up?" Beth showed Viv her phone, there'd been pictures taken of Beth and Viv with Mila. "Ahh, what's that on?" Viv sighed though remained calm and level-headed. "What are we going to do? It's on Instagram." Beth asked. "Well I think it's ok, yes she's in the picture but I don't think there's anything to worry about."

Beth looked a mixture of annoyed and upset, the pair had done all they could to protect Mila from social media. Being foster carers they had to be careful with pictures and any of the pictures they posted they'd have to make sure not to reveal too much of Mila. It was just easier to not name her or share her pictures anywhere, it wasn't like Mila was on social media anyway so she wouldn't have been missing out on anything. "Let me see it again?" Viv asked Beth peering over her shoulder, Beth tapped the screen to make the picture come up again. "It's gonna be ok, we should definitely tell her though. She should hear it from me and you first. We're lucky that the picture only shows her back."  Beth nodded "yeah, you're right Vivi." 

I walked into the room and Viv and Beth went quiet, they looked suspicious, but why?  "You ok?" I asked as I sat down, Viv passed me a cup of tea. I took a sip. "Um so at the game yesterday... someone took a picture of us." Beth started. "Ah that's nice. Don't they do that a lot anyway?" I replied not really getting what she meant. "No, no I mean" Viv looked at us both then continued for Beth. "Someone took pictures including you and put them online. We're not sure how many people will have seen them up to now." I looked at her and nodded lightly. "It's only your back but we wanted to let you know first before you found out by someone else." I took another sip of my brew. "Cool can I see it?" I wasn't actually too bothered, I don't have any pictures with Beth or Viv that are my own, I just hoped that the picture looked ok. Beth showed me the picture. "Ah I like it." I smiled at the picture. "It's actually a really lovely picture of us all. Deffo should frame it you know." I declared. "Really?" Beth asks looking at it. "Oh absolutely, it makes me feel warm."  I smile. "You know what, me too kiddo." Viv gently squeezed my shoulder. "Maybe we should take some pictures for you. You know have your own photo album?" Viv asked I smile widely. "Yeah I'd like that."

I went to school, I'd been thinking about the picture. I really had liked it, the fact that they liked it too and were open to getting it framed made me feel some kind of way. I felt warm and fuzzy all day. Some of my friends had seen the picture and were excited for me, they were also a little bit jealous of me living with Beth and Viv, though not in a malicious way.

I've never had friends stay or visit at Beth and Viv's house, it's never been something that any of my past foster carers have allowed and if I'm honest maybe it's best to keep it that way for now. I'd hate if anything got broken there.

The lunch time bell went, I put my books away from the English lesson, I was just walking past reception, towards the dinner hall with my friends Amy and Charli, we were chatting between ourselves when I saw Viv stood there. "Vivi?" I say, coming forward from the girls. "You go on guys I'll find you after." I say, Charli and Amy hugged me and then left going into the dinner hall. "Hey kiddo, you all ready?" I looked confused "Ready? Ready for what?" "I'm taking you out for the afternoon" she whispered "your doctors appointment..." she said a bit louder so not to get either of us in trouble. "Ah yes." I smile widely.

Viv signed me out and we walked to her car, we keep composure until the door is shut and we both laugh. "Does Beth know?" "Nope. So this can be our secret ok?" "Ok. So where are we going?" "Frankie and Bennys?" "Let's go." 

We went to Frankie and Bennys then spent the afternoon playing crazy golf. Viv beat me at crazy golf but we had so much fun, it was nice to relax with Viv. "Remember, our secret." Viv reminded me as we pulled up outside Viv and Beth's house. "I've been at school." I smile.

"Hallo!" Viv shouted as we walked into the house. "Beth we're back!" "Hello ladies." Beth approached us both from the kitchen, it smelt nice. "Are you cooking?" Viv kissed Beth's lips. "Hmm I am." "Are you ill?" Beth laughed off Viv's comment. "I'm gonna go get changed. Such a hard day at school, I'm exhausted." I was faced with a look from Viv who also kept the pretend up. "Yes sweetheart, I'll make you a cup of tea."  "You're the best." I headed upstairs and left Viv and Beth who had now headed into the kitchen.

"So why are you cooking?" Viv asked Beth, wrapping her arms round her after she had put the kettle on. "We need to tell her..." Viv had forgotten all about it, though she wasn't sure how she had. International break!  "What are we going to do?" "It's all in hand love, I've sorted it." "It's 10 days..." "Leah Williamson is a free lady, with a lot of free time. She loves kids." "I love you" "I love you too."

A short while later the three of them were sat down eating, the food was lovely. Which was a surprise as it was usually Viv that was the cook, Beth didn't fancy herself as much of a chef. "How was your day?" Beth asked Mila. "Yeah it was good, just a normal school day." "That's good love." Viv said taking a forkful of dinner. "Um it's not really dinner table talk..." Beth licked her lower lip thinking of how to best put into words that they needed to discuss international break. "I have some - We have some news." Beth said taking Viv's hand, Mila swallowed the food in her mouth and looked between the pair. "We need to talk." Said Beth. Mila didn't like this sudden feeling she felt, what would they need to talk about? Is this why Beth cooked, why Viv pulled her out of school??

A/N - how will Mila take the news?

What do you think will happen, what would you like to see? Xx

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