Grandad's Haven

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Viv and I were making light conversation as she drove us to my Dad's place. We both thought Mila might say something, noticing we were headed away from home opposed to going towards it. Neither of us were surprised when she didn't even utter a word. I looked over my shoulder to look at Mila, she had her earphones in and was staring down at her lap with her head rested against the car window. "Are you ok?" I asked, she briefly looked up to me and gave a simple "yeah, I'm fine." Before getting comfortable again, I let out a gentle sigh. Here she goes closing off from us again, I should have known this would happen.

I had been listening to music in the car, I'd totally zoned out and was back to thinking about everything that happened with Kyla. I thought about the way Viv stood up for me when Mr Kirk was all for blaming me and generally about my life from the past till now, so much had happened.

I looked up and noticed we were no where near home. "Where are we?" I asked "Oh at last, you've noticed then." Beth giggled "Well, we're not near home, so where are we?" I look around the surroundings nothing looked familiar. Where could we be going? I adjusted myself in my seat, sitting up properly and tuck my hair behind my ears. "Ma, and I thought that it would be good to have a couple days break away from everything going on." Beth said with a touch of sympathy in her voice. " Mam and I can see that you're struggling and we want for you to just be able to relax and we know the perfect place for that. We hate to see you so sad, Mila and I promise that will do everything that we can to support you. We will make things right again." Viv continues, I gently nod my head, squeezing Beth's hand which she had offered behind her seat. "Mam and Ma, you both mean more to me than I could ever say. I owe so much to you for all that you've done and for everything that you continue to do for me." I say, my eyes filling up with tears. "Oh Mimi. Don't cry we love you, we're your mums, and that's what mums do. Just know us and your aunties will always have your back no matter what, no matter how bad." Beth stated with a mixture of love and kindness.

I could not ask for better parents. I love my life as it is, but now this Kyla is messing with it. I hate her so much and I don't want to ever see her again. I pray that I get this DNA test and it says that we're not related I want the past to stay the past. I'm happy moving forward, looking back causes too much pain.

Around an hour later we were still in the car. "Seriously Mam and Ma, where are we going? We've been in the car hours and I'm starving." I complained with a sigh. "We're not far now love." Beth replied as Viv pulled in at a McDonald's drive through. I grinned, McDonald's is such good comfort food, just what the doctor ordered. Viv gave our order to the person and we drove round to collect it from the specified window. Once we'd collected our food we sat in the car park and ate. "Careful not to drop anything love." Beth reminded, the Teslas are, our little families babies. Nothing must damage the Tesla. Our bellies were soon full made a swift exit from the McDonald's car park and out onto the road again. "In around 30 minutes we will be at the place we're going to." Beth stated. "Okay, I still have no idea where we are." I say, I catch a glance at a signpost that said 'welcome to Scarborough' I smile lightly, ok so a couple of days by the sea. "Are we here now?" I asked receiving a chuckle from Beth. "No, half an hour MiMi. Be patient." Viv grinned. I texted the girls for a bit, it was nice to be Kyla free. Maybe she was listening to me, not a single call or message off her. Charli was telling me that word had gotten round school about Kyla, apparently Kyla was still claiming she's my sister and had been asking after me at school. As long as she leaves me alone I really don't care for her or anything she does.

The car stopped and I looked up from texting Charli. "We're here now babe." Beth announces. "Come on let's go." She grinned, I took off my seatbelt and put my earphones away. I looked out the window and gasped "GRANDAD!?" Beth and Viv turn to me with the biggest grin on their faces. "Yes Sweetie, we're at Grandad's. Surprise." Beth says getting out the car, Viv and I follow suit and within minutes there he was.

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