Mother's and Daughter Day

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Today is my final day home before the start of a new school term, I'm excited to be back with my friends and catch up about all the things that happened over festive break. They'll probably be well aware of my new name by now, I'm loving this bubble I'm in. A new name, new start and an amazing pair of Mums. "Mila Meadema." I whisper under my breath as I write my name in my journal. I look at it after I write it on the inside of the cover... it's perfect yet so surreal still. I want this year to be just as good as these last couple of months have been, a new start for me and my two Mums.

"Mi are you coming down?" Viv asked sticking her head round the door for her and Beth's room. "Yeah on my way. Just sorting a couple of things, but I'm done now." I stated with a smile. My grandparents, Uncle Lars and Auntie KiKi were due at the airport in the next hour. We are supposed to be taking them to the airport. I'll be sad to see them go, we've had such a lovely winter break, I actually got to bond with my family more.

I've decided now that I'm a Meadema I want to start naming the members of my family by their rightful names... starting with Beth and Viv. My Mam and my Ma...Mam is a nod to Mam's Yorkshire heritage and Ma, a nod to Ma's Dutch heritage... let's hope they like them, I haven't actually used them yet. It just feels so right.

I headed downstairs to my family. "Good morning, I'm sorry I'm late. I was sorting a few things out. Did you all sleep well?" I say giving everyone a quick good morning hug. Viv translates to her parents what I had said and they gave her their response, I'm not too sure what was said but it made Viv laugh. We each had something quick to eat, bacon butties. It went down a treat we all enjoyed them very much. After we'd finished I helped Beth load up the car, we were going to have to take both cars at there were so many of us plus luggage.

We separated into two different cars, it wasn't as cramped and everyone could sit comfortably. We headed to the airport, I was in Beth's car with her, Lars and Kiki. Viv had her parents. "See you at the airport baby." Beth says kissing Viv as they both stand in between both the cars. I smile, catching them having a loving moment. They're so good together. With that we soon set off, following Viv who was in front of us the majority of the way to the airport. We parked up in the short stay car park and went with Rene, Carolien, Lars and KiKi into the airport. It did indeed get very emotional during our goodbyes, Viv looked close to tears, it was clear that they seemed to have taken Beth under their wing also. Beth utters a few words in Dutch to them and they share a gentle laugh. Now it was my turn. I gave them all each a hug, Rene and Carolien both lingered with their hugs "jij bent het mooiste cadeau van 2023. maak je moeders en ons trots. wij houden van jou." (you are the most beautiful gift of 2023. make your mothers and us proud. we love you.) Carolien says, she wipes her eyes. Damn she's crying... what did she say to me? "Ma? What did she say?" I asked feeling guilty for not understanding. "you are the most beautiful gift of 2023. make your mothers and us proud. we love you." Viv stated with a loving smile. "Oh wow. Bless her. How do you say- 'Thank you for accepting me into the family. I'm lucky to have you all?' " I ask, Viv tells me but I struggle to pronounce it. "Please can you say it to them? I'm not very good." I sigh after attempting 3 times and they all still looked at me with a puzzled look. Viv nodded gently and turned to her Mum. "Bedankt dat je mij in de familie hebt opgenomen. Ik heb het geluk dat ik jullie allemaal heb" (in Dutch what Mila said). They both kissed my cheek, a wide smile on their face. I smile back at them, Lars and KiKi were a lot less emotional but still had lovely things to say to us all. I'm slowly learning the meaning of family.  After our hugs and talks the four of them headed to security to get to duty free, they turn before going through the doors and waved to us. We waved back, they disappeared through the doors.

After 20 minutes or so we left the check in part of the airport and went back to the cars, as I came with Beth it only seemed right I went home with Viv. "I'm gonna go with Ma." I say as we reach the cars. "Ma?" Beth questioned, I blush a little. "Well I want to call you both Mum... like as my official parents now. I figured I'd call you Mam, a nod to Yorkshire... and you Ma, a nod to you being Dutch." I say explaining it all to them both; they both stood completely still but with exactly the same grin on their faces. "That sounds wonderful babe." Beth says once I had finished speaking, Viv pulls us both into her arms. "It's perfect, we love our names. It's an honour. Our darling daughter." She kissed my head and then Beth's lips. We all enjoyed the moment, none of us pulling away from the hug for a couple of minutes.

Once we did part I got into Viv's car with her, beth got into hers and both cars made their way back to our house. Beth made it back before us, we'd gotten stuck behind a slow driver and so our journey had an extra 25 minutes on top of its original travel time.

"Oh 'ello you two. I thought you'd ran away." Beth smirks looking up from her phone as we walked through the door. "Trust us to get stuck behind a slow driver." I laugh "well you should have come with your Mam then shouldn't ya Mila moo?" Beth grins as she speaks, Viv had been setting her keys down and turned to look at us and rolled her eyes. "You're in the dog house." I snicker to Beth as she grins at Viv in a joking manner. "Ok, ok can we not have a hate on Mam day?" Beth says, she looked rather proud of herself. "Oh god what bloody chaos have you caused now?" Viv asks trying to work Beth out.

"Come and sit down and I will tell you." Beth stated and patted on the sofa for us to join her. Viv and I exchanged looks but followed Beth's request to join her.  "Well then?" Viv says once she's sat, before I'd even gotten my bum on my seat. "No! Not till MiMi is sat." She half shouts. "I'm sat!" I laugh looking directly at her. "Out with it Mam!" I shout back to her, Viv shakes her had but laughs at us. "Were having our last day together out doing something fun! I thought we could go and do bowling. Maybe follow it on with some games in the arcades." Beth says, I look at her confused "what's bowling?" "You're telling me you've never been? Like ever?" Beth raises her eyebrow. "Not a Scooby. What is it?" Beth explains what it is to me and the aim of the game, I can't believe I'd never seen or got to do bowling before now. Though to some degree I can believe it, I was a nobody that no one gave a toss about before I came here.

We all piled into Beth's car and went to the bowling place, it looked pretty cool. When we went in they sent us to a lane, they'd taken our names and each of us had a little line for our turns. Viv's name was first on the list so she took her turn first. "Yes baby!" Beth shouted as Viv got a strike on her first go. "Wow you're good! Well done Ma." I smiled and clapped her accomplishment, Viv being the humble person she is just gave a little shrug and smiled. Next was Beth's go, she did good and also knocked down many of the bowling pins and on her second roll of the bowling ball she cleared the rest of the bowling pins that were still stood. Viv and I cheered her on. "Come on then MiMi, let's see what you've got." Viv says hyping me up. "Go MiMi, you can do it." Beth grinned patting my shoulder proudly. I took my go, my first roll I only knocked over 4 bowling pins. The second one went into the gutter. "Well at least 4 went in hey?" I smile lightly. "You did good love" Viv replied as Beth agreed with her.

We played two games of bowling in the end. The first game Viv won and Beth came second, I came last. But on the second game I won, only by a mere 3 points. Then it was Beth and Viv. I think Viv felt guilty for being so good. She let me and Beth take the lead in points. I'm not sure how she made it possible because once that ball is on the runway it's all down to where it goes and the impact it has as it hits.

I'd had a really good time, it was nice to spend a bit of quality time with Beth and Viv. One thing is for sure though, I'm really not ready to leave them both again, even though it's only for school.

A/n- Happy Thursday, it's Fri-yay tomorrow... it's been a bloody long time coming 😂.
Love and peace xx

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