We Need To Talk Part 2

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We'd all done with dinner and we were now sat in the lounge "so we need to talk?" I resay the words Beth had said at the table. "If it's bad news I'd rather we just get it out and done with." I sighed. I'm feeling totally unsure what to feel and if I'm honest I want to hide away. Never have the words 'we need to talk' been used in a positive light. "First of all love, don't be worried. It's nothing bad." Beth says. "We said you were stuck with us and we meant it." Viv continued, great so she's in on whatever this is too? Fantastic. "Right?" I say wearily.

Beth took my hand, she held it gently "you're not leaving us, please don't worry. Viv and I have to go away for 10 days." She said softly. "10 DAYS!!?" I shout, I'm so upset.

What am I gonna do? Damn, does this mean I have to go into a respite placement? Ugh things were going so good. I'm happy here. I could feel my eyes stinging, don't cry Mila, don't cry.

"We will keep in contact, we'll FaceTime you everyday." Beth says "why are you going? Can't I come?" I say all choked up. "It's international break love, we'd love for you to come but school is important. Your education needs to come first. We're putting you first, it'd be way too much for you." Beth continues, she still had a hold of my hand. "I best go pack my case then. Where will I be staying?" Viv now hand her arm round me, I was trying hard not to show how much this was getting to me. I was failing miserably. "You'll stay with Leah, Leah will take great care of you. We trust her with our lives." I nod and pull out of both their grips to stand up. "I'm gonna pack. Again I'm being palmed off, but it's fine I'm used to it."  I'm not mad to be staying with Leah but I'm gutted they're both leaving me. I like Leah but I was worried I'd be a burden on her. I just want to stay with Beth and Viv. "MiMi!" I ignored Beth and headed for the stairs.

Beth looked at Viv as she heard Mila's bedroom door slam shut. "Well that went well..." she sighed as Viv put her arm round Beth's shoulder pulling her into a hug. "She will come round. She probably just needs time to process it all, she'll be ok. I'm sure of it."

Beth cuddled into Viv feeling awful, they'd worked so hard to make Mila feel happy and secure in their care. "I guess she's been through a lot, are we a trigger Vivi?" Beth questioned "she's probably going through the motions yes, but we've got this. You and I, me and you. We've got our girl, we've got each other and all three of us together can battle anything together." Beth looked up at Viv lovingly. Viv always knew the words to say to make everything ok.

Upstairs Mila was packing a few things into her case, she'd had a bit of a cry and was now playing music as she packed. She knew Beth and Viv cared for her, she couldn't help but feel upset about them going. The last 7 plus months she'd been with them everyday, she'd started to feel like she belonged and had begun to feel a sense of home within the pair.

I eventually came downstairs, I was sorry for the way I had reacted, I was so scared that I'd be going back to care, it's not where I ever want to be again. I really don't want to loose Beth and Viv. They've come to mean so much to me. "I'm sorry." I mumble sitting between Beth and Viv. "It's ok." They both hug me. "Will you be ok with Leah?" Beth asks full of concern "I will. When do I go?" "Tomorrow afternoon. I promise we will ring you." I nod simply, I know there's nothing I can do. "Leah is looking forward to having you." Viv smiles lightly. "Yeah it'll be good." I reply. 

The following day I got up and got ready for school like any normal day. Beth and Viv were up and sorting out their last bits for their camps. "Hoi meisje." (Hey girl) Viv said poking her head into my room. "Hoi" (hey) I reply, Viv smiled widely. She'd been trying to teach me some Dutch and I was starting to understand and know what the words mean. "I'm off now love. I've got to get to the airport." I got up off my bed and went over to her I hugged her tightly, I knew letting them both go would be hard but it's even worse as it happens. "Love you." I mumble into the cuddle. "Love you. Be good for Leah ok. I'll ring you tonight" I nodded and reluctantly let her go. "Go show them what you can do. But be gentle to Beth." She laughed gently before going.

Beth and Viv's goodbye at the door was just as emotional, they were going to miss each other. "See you Friday." Beth said. "See you Friday lieverd (darling)" they kissed and then Viv left.

I came downstairs as Beth stood at the door, she watched as Viv got into the car to go to the airport. Needing a hug myself, I hugged Beth and also watched. "This sucks, I miss her already."  Beth squeezed me in our hug gently. "It's not for long."

8:40 and Beth had parked up at school, I let out a sigh. "And this is me..." "MiMi's stop." Beth replied. "Go in and have a good day. Leah will pick you up later ok. Do me and Viv proud ok?  The days will go by quick and we'll all be back together." I nodded and gave Beth a hug. "Good luck. Show them what you're made of.... But please be gentle on Viv." She let out a light chuckle. "I will love." I open up my door and get out the car. "Have a good day." I waved after shutting the car door, I headed into the school grounds to find my friends before the start of lessons.

The day went fairly slowly, I kept checking my phone for texts, neither of them had text me yet. To be fair Viv could well have been on the plane and Beth? Well, I don't know. Maybe she's not there yet. There was however a text from Leah.

Leah~ hey Mila, I'll pick you up from school at 3:15. I'm thinking pizza for tea and a movie night. See you later x

Mila~ sounds good Leah. See you later x

I returned back to lesson after lunch I didn't properly concentrate- I don't want to be here I just want Beth and Viv.

"Heya, oooh heated seats." I said as I climbed into the car with Leah, she had country music blaring out in the car. I chucked to myself. "Well I have to look after my niece don't I? Beth and Viv would never stop reminding me if I didn't." She smiles. "You're under strict instructions then?" I grin. "Yeah homework complete and tea eaten by 6:30, bed for 7:30." Leah grinned. "Yeah right." I laughed. "Damn right. We're not sticking to the rules. You're staying with your fun Auntie Leah, fun we will have." I started to relax a little bit. Maybe 10 days with Leah won't be too bad after all.

I texted into our group chat to Beth and Viv

Mila- I miss you both, I think someone has kidnapped 'Auntie' Leah and replaced her with a mad country music loving person. 😂. Xx

Beth- Ah yes, sounds just like our Leah that does. I miss you too, how was school? Xx

Mila- boring. She's on a mad one😂 xx

Viv- I've just arrived at camp. I miss you both so much. ❤️‍🩹 counting down the days till we're all together again. What's Leah got on? Is it Taylor swift?? Xx

Mila- our song? Not sure tbh. Think it is Taylor swift though. I'm counting too! Xx

Mila put her phone away and focused on Leah, she was singing along to a Taylor swift song that had just come on. "I like this one." I say before joining in with Leah singing away.

At Leah's we had parked up and were at the door of the house about to go in. It was a cold night, the frost was starting to settle on the ground. "Right find a pizza on the menu you want, I'll be back in a second" Leah said passing me a menu. "Thanks." I say.

"Can I have the barbecue chicken pizza please?" I asked. "Sure thing. I'm gonna have the Margherita pizza." Leah rang up and ordered it through. "Is pizza your favourite?" I asked Leah, she grinned. "I love pizza and pizza loves me." I laugh at her comment. "Stunning. Honestly, stunning."

Pizza arrived some time later, we got comfy on the sofa with pizza and a film. I never heard my phone go off when Beth and Viv called that night as Leah and I passed out on the sofa.

A/n. What are we thinking about the Auntie Leah and Mila bonding time here?? Xx

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