Chapter 2

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"...Name's Shanks, by the way."
"Mihawk" - came a simple response.

Shanks wanted to ask more questions but Mihawk looked toward the setting sun, lost in his thoughts.

As the sun dipped low, "Red-Haired" felt a sudden sting on his leg. It was a tiny leech, a little creature with a bite that carried some hidden poison. Shanks didn't notice it because the leech was small, and its bite didn't hurt much at first.

But, you see, this little leech was tricky. It injected its sneaky poison into Shanks. Him thinking it was just a regular bite, didn't pay much attention. However, as time passed, that tricky poison started to make him feel really weird.

Shanks tried hard to stay strong, but that tricky poison from the leech was too fast. He started feeling dizzy, and everything around him got all blurry. It was like his legs just couldn't keep him standing. And then, Shanks fainted.


Mihawk turned around, startled by the unusual sound, only to see the pirate lying unconscious.

"Oi, what's wrong with you?" He stepped closer to smell the faint scent of blood.

"F*ck" he cursed under his breath, while looking for the spot where the leech had bitten him.

Mihawk with his sharp senses, quickly found the spot where the leech bit him. Once he was sure that there were no more leeches on Shanks, he went searching for medicinal plants on the island. When he found the right ones, he run back to Shanks, hoping it didn't take him too long.

With careful hands, he lifted the pirate off the ground but when he heared his heavy breaths he quickly ran back into jungle.

After some time Mihawk stood in front of a huge gate behind it was a large casle. He pushed the massive gate open, it creaked loudly as it swung open, revealing the grand castle behind it. The castle stood tall and mysterious.

Still carrying Shanks, Mihawk entered the castle. Inside, the place was enormous, with high ceilings and grand halls. Mihawk moved carefully, making his way through the castle's corridors.

Right...Left...Upstair... He navigate himself throug the corridors. When he reached the room he was looking for he opened the door.

This room was like something out of a mysterious story. It had tall windows that let in the moonlight, making the room feel calm and quiet. The walls were covered with dark curtains,  giving it a mysterious vibe, and right in the centre was a big, fancy bed - destination where Mihawk was heading.

In one corner, there was a tall bookshelf with lots of old, books. There also were a bunch of sharp-looking swords displayed neatly on the wall. A small table with a candle on it stood beside the bed, casting a warm glow across the room.

Mihawk carefully laid Shanks on the comfy bed. When he was sure that pirate was comfortable, he started preparing medicine.

„Hang in there pirate!"

Sorry for any mistakes but English is not my first language.

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