
35 7 2

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the lights around me.
I raised my arm to block the sunlight which was hitting directly on my face.
My body was hurting like anything and it was really hard to even move.

"Argh fuck" I groaned because of the pain as  I tried to sit up but ended up falling back on my back on the bed beneath me.

"You should not move"I heard a deep voice say as I looked at the person.
When I saw who it was I grabbed the nearest vase to me as I threw it towards him.
The vase hit his head as he fell down on the floor with the impact.

I smirked in victory as I again tried to get up and this time succeeding.
I sat on the bed as I looked around .
I was in a room which seem to be master bedroom and I was laying on a king sized bed.
The room had a window through which the sunlight was coming inside and two shelves beside the bed.
The room was kinda large and had wardrobes around it and I was pretty sure that this appartment belonged to some rich fellas before this chaos started.

Minho grabbed his head as he stood up with dizzy steps as he went towards the door.
I thought that he will be leaving but I widened my eyes when he locked the door from inside.

"Why are you locking the door?" I asked him as he started taking steps towards me.

"Minho I swear I'll kill you and you know I will I'm no longer your bub and tub and what so ever "I warned him as I took another vase in my hands as he raised his hands to show that he was surrendering

"Listen to me I'm not going to hurt you or force myself on you I just want to talk that's it"he said as he took careful steps before he sat on the bed on the opposite side.

"Get out right now I don't want to talk to a shit like you get out before I make you "

"Yn just listen to me once it's really really important and I'll not get the chance like this to talk to you personally "

"I don't want to hear you and get this shit inside your head Minho that we're no longer together and you mean nothing to me now rather than a rat whom I want to crush under my very feet "
I balled my fist as I was trying so Hard to not Kill this man right at this moment.

"It's about yurim"

The vase from my hands fell when he mentioned her name as my eyes grew in size almost double.

"Don't you ever call her name from your filthy mouth Minho I warn you . You have already played enough with me and now she's gone so you better not even bring her in this you get me?" I yelled at him to which he only lowered his head.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Ya bitch why are you shouting can't you keep quiet Everyone is sleeping but you are fucking talking!" It was Anna's voice and I was about to snap back before Minho spoke up

"It's me inside just go away and leave us alone"he said
Anna let out a sequel

"Woah that was quick Minho well enjoy your time with her then I'll keep everyone occupied"
With that the footsteps disappeared from the door and I looked back at Minho waiting for him to speak

"Just Fucking talk or I'm kicking you on that face Minho I'm already pissed and don't want to create a scene right now"

"Ok so I was saying that-"


I flinched at the sudden banging sound at the door.

"Wtf was that?"

"Yn can you hear me it's me and Minho is inside with you Anna told us open the door quickly because I know why he's in there yn open the door quickly or I'm breaking it ! Minho if you did anything then I'll kill you!"
It was seonghwa's voice and it was so obvious.

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