Chapter 15: This Is True Strength!

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Turles, alongside the others, felt the subtle shift, a disturbance in the familiar ki signatures. They exchanged uncertain glances, sensing a collective unease that hung in the air like a prelude to a storm.

As if responding to their curiosity, the unknown energy coalesced into a singular, formidable presence. The group braced themselves, ready for the unexpected. Then, with a sudden burst, the stranger materialized before them, a figure shrouded in an air of mystery.

"What the hell is that?" Nappa's gruff voice cut through the tension, his eyes narrowing as he sized up the enigmatic newcomer. Raditz, ever the realist, offered a succinct observation, "Looks like a bug to me."

The being introduced itself as Cell, a name that echoed with an unsettling weight. As Cell's gaze swept over each fighter, his words carried a calculated confidence. "I am a biological being made from the DNA of the strongest fighters," he declared, his eyes lingering on Turles and Kakarot. Turles had a self assured smirk written on his features. From Cell's data he knew Goku wore an orange gi, which Kakarot was wearing. Turles on the other hand wore a dark blue gi that mirrored Kakarot's.

"I don't recognize you," Cell remarked, his tone tinged with curiosity. Turles, unfazed, delivered a cryptic revelation. "Guess I don't exist in your timeline."

A smirk played on Cell's lips as he unfolded his plans. "Either way, I will have my fun with each and every one of you. I will hold a tournament, and each of you will get a chance to fight me. I'll give you three days to prepare," he declared, laying down the challenge.

Vegeta, ever confrontational, voiced his disdain. "Are we really listening to a bug right now? I'm gonna destroy you right here and right now." His pride surged, demanding immediate action.

Turles, however, interjected with a warning. "I wouldn't do that," he cautioned Vegeta, a hint of wisdom in his tone. Vegeta, never one to heed advice easily, questioned, "And why do you say that?"

"Because right now, Cell can easily wipe the floor with each of you here," Turles revealed, a revelation that hung in the air like an ominous prophecy, leaving the fighters to grapple with the reality of the impending challenge.

"Do you think we can beat this guy?" Krillin's uncertainty cut through the charged atmosphere.

"Of course we can," Turles replied with a confidence that resonated through his words. "Now everyone, on me," he declared, his voice carrying a decisive authority. "Since you have given us three days, we'll make sure to use it to our best ability," Turles addressed Cell, locking eyes with the formidable adversary.

In a blink, Turles transported the group to Capsule Corp. The gravity of the situation unfolded as they laid out the impending threat to Bulma, Gine, Chi-Chi, Gohan, and Goten. Turles, pragmatic and decisive, sought their aid in a critical aspect—food for their imminent training. The urgency of the world's fate resonated, and they willingly agreed to contribute.

Turles, with an unexpected finesse, assisted the women in a culinary marathon, a meticulous preparation of sustenance that stretched into the depths of the day. As darkness veiled the sky, Turles, undeterred, unfolded his plan. Recognizing that conventional training wouldn't suffice, he steered them toward the Hyperbolic Time Chamber—a realm where a day could unfold as a year.

Capsules loaded with the prepared food in tow, they materialized at the lookout. The Saiyans, a determined assembly, entered the chamber, ready to embark on a journey of accelerated training. Turles, a force of experience and strength, guided them through a regimen that harnessed the potential of each Saiyan. Their gains, monumental and unprecedented, propelled them beyond the confines of Super Saiyan into a realm they christened as Super Saiyan Two.

Gohan and Goten, having reached the pinnacle of Super Saiyan, reveled in the momentous achievement. Their jubilation echoed through the chamber, a testament to the newfound strength pulsating within them. Amidst the echoes of celebration, the Saiyans fortified themselves, physically and mentally, for the impending clash with Cell.

They emerged from the confines of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, each figure adorned in the formidable radiance of their Super Saiyan forms. The humans and Piccolo, witnesses to this transformative journey, marveled at the unimaginable progress achieved in such a fleeting span. The unspoken truth lingered — without Turles, this ascension would have been an unattainable feat.

With a calculated precision that only Turles could bring, they found themselves in a meticulously crafted arena, an arena pulsating with the anticipation of a battle that could shift the very course of fate. In the center, an imposing figure awaited—Cell.

"I hope you all didn't laze around because I will not be going easy," Cell's voice reverberated across the arena, a proclamation of the imminent clash.

"Of course not, cockroach. We spent a lot of time training," Raditz's disdain for Cell's arrogance cut through the charged atmosphere.

"I gave you three days, truthfully, that is not a lot of time. There was no way any of you managed to improve in such a small amount of time," Cell retorted, skepticism etched across his bio-mechanical features.

"You will be surprised," Kakarot's quiet confidence held the promise of the untapped power that now coursed through them.

The spotlight shifted as Cell pointed at Turles. "You, I want to fight you first," Cell declared.

"If you say so," Turles replied, his composure unwavering. Face to face, the air crackled with the anticipation of an encounter that transcended mere physicality.

Turles leaped back, carving out space, before assuming his fighting pose. Cell mirrored the stance, and in an instant, they closed the distance between them. Turles, however, sensed a disconcerting truth — Cell was not the challenge he once posed. Effortlessly, Turles deflected the onslaught of the bio-android.

A realization dawned upon Cell, an unsettling revelation that Turles hadn't unleashed the full extent of his power. Frustration mingled with embarrassment as Cell, now at 100% power, found Turles maintaining a bored expression. Blow after blow, Turles demonstrated a prowess that left Cell grappling with the enigma of Turles' overwhelming strength.

"I think it's time for someone else to take it from here," Turles declared, leaving Cell in a state of vexed bewilderment.

"Actually... nevermind. Guys, let's all fight him! I'll stay out of it though," Turles declared, injecting a twist into the unfolding narrative. "What?! That is not part of the rules!" Cell erupted, his agitation surfacing in protest. Turles, indifferent to Cell's objections, scoffed, "You think I care about your rules?"

The Saiyan warriors, Kakarot, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Gohan, and Goten, embraced the surge of their most formidable transformations, a collective force ready to confront the bio-android. Turles, adding a touch of strategy to the fray, offered his insight, "His weakness should be his head! But try and destroy every cell of his!" A smirk adorned Turles' face, the pun not lost on him.

With a nod to Turles' tactical suggestion, the Saiyans surged forward, engaging in a battle that oscillated between intensity and moments of sheer entertainment. Cell found himself flung into the air, vulnerable, as the Saiyans orchestrated their assault. In a synchrony that bespoke their newfound unity, beams of energy converged into a singular force, a devastating torrent that consumed Cell in its entirety.

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