Chapter 21: A God Gone Rogue

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In the hidden corners of the multiverse, a watchful eye observed the tumultuous tournament between Universes 6 and 7. Zamasu, the Supreme Kai in training from Universe 10, harbored a deep disdain for the mortals who dared wield godly ki. The spectacle unfolding before him, sanctioned by none other than Beerus, the God of Destruction, fueled his growing disappointment. It was the final straw for Zamasu.

In a drastic act of defiance, Zamasu took matters into his own divine hands. The target of his wrath was Gowasu, the Supreme Kai of Universe 10. The consequence, however, extended beyond the individual as Rumsshi, the God of Destruction affiliated with Universe 10, met an untimely demise.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, Turles, ever vigilant, engaged in crucial preparations. The impending threat of Zamasu loomed, and Turles understood the necessity of readiness. Uncertain whether the malevolent Kai would target Future Gohan, Goten, and Ranch or the present timeline, Turles devised a unique plan.

Drawing upon his mastery of spirit control, Turles created a perfect copy of himself. A brief exchange ensued between Turles and his duplicate, the latter expressing confidence in their plan. Turles, wearing a self-satisfied smirk, acknowledged his own genius, earning a nod of agreement from his doppelganger.

Turles, accompanied by his clone, traversed realms to reach Supreme Kai Shin's domain. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the inquisitive Kai. Turles, veiling his true intentions, offered a half-truth, stating, "I have a feeling something bad is about to happen, so I'm waiting here to watch it play out."

While Turles maintained his vigilant watch, Zamasu delved into the intricacies of time, searching for a version of Turles suitable for his twisted ambitions. The revelation perplexed him -- none of the alternate Turles instances matched the power displayed in the tournament.

Pondering his next move, a realization dawned on Zamasu. An idea crystallized in his divine mind. With a sinister resolve, he concluded, "I can switch bodies with the one from the tournament since the others are... disappointing." The machinations of gods and mortals danced on the precipice of an impending clash.

Zamasu embarked on a dark mission -- the gathering of all seven Super Dragon Balls.

As the ominous events unfolded, the Kais and Turles observed Zamasu. The news of Gowasu's demise reached their ears, eliciting concern and confusion. Kibito voiced the collective unease, questioning the motives behind Zamasu's actions. In response, Grand Supreme Kai asserted the need to intervene before the situation spiraled out of control.

However, Turles, breaking the prevailing silence, offered a dissenting opinion. His unusual stance perplexed the Kais. "Let him do what he's gonna do. He won't get far anyway," Turles stated with an air of confidence. The Kai's exchanged puzzled glances, prompting Elder Kai to seek clarification. "Are you sure this is the decision you wish to make?" he inquired. Turles, unwavering in his resolve, met their gaze. "You all have to trust me on this. I have a weaker clone of myself right now on Earth. He has about 1% of my actual power. What I have planned should work out just fine."

With his decision made, Turles employed Instant Transmission to reach Earth's lookout. Entering the Room of Spirit and Time, he aimed to ensure the prevention of duplicated versions of himself when Zamasu invoked the Super Dragon Balls for his nefarious wish.

Zamasu stood triumphant, having gathered all the Super Dragon Balls to fulfill his malevolent desire. With fervent determination, he bellowed his wish, echoing across the cosmos, "I wish to switch bodies with the one known as Turles!" The all-powerful Super Shenron responded with a radiant glow, declaring, "Your wish has been granted." Zamasu's emerald form transformed, and he found himself in the body of a Saiyan.

Empowered by his newfound Saiyan physiology, Zamasu set out to enact his dark plan -- the eradication of all mortals. Meanwhile, the Turles clone, having anticipated this scheme, watched as he turned into the green kai.

As Zamasu descended upon Earth, leaving destruction in his wake, the Z Fighters sensed the turmoil and hastened to confront the source of the chaos. Confusion and fear gripped them as they witnessed the devastation. "Turles... what the hell are you doing?" Vegeta demanded, while Kakarot expressed his bewilderment. Raditz suggested caution, sensing something amiss.

Someone Instant Tranmissions, it was the clone of Turles. "That's not me," Turles, now in Zamasu's body, clarified, prompting the Z Fighters to turn and confront the green being. Goten voiced his confusion, and Zamasu explained, "He is telling the truth. I have taken this body as my own, and I will cleanse this universe of all mortals. There will be no sinners in my utopia."

In the midst of their disbelief, Kakarot sought answers. "But how could this be happening? How did you switch bodies with Turles?" The imposter Turles responded with a swift and lethal ki beam that pierced through the Turles in Zamasu's body. Shocked, the Z Fighters, including Kakarot, Raditz, Goten, and Vegeta, stood wide-eyed as the imposter declared, "There is no helping it. Your time in the living realm ends right here, here now."

The Saiyans, fueled by their maximum power, surged forward to confront the imposter Turles. To their astonishment, the imposter proved to be remarkably weak. However, each time they inflicted injury, the Majin Buu-like healing ability kicked in, frustrating their efforts.

Zamasu, unable to transform and increasingly battered by the unrelenting Saiyan assault, found himself on the brink. On Beerus' planet, Whis meticulously briefed Beerus on the unfolding events--Gowasu's demise, Rumsshi's fate, Zamasu's usurpation of Turles' body, and his malevolent intent toward Earth.

Beerus, seething with anger, declared his intention to intervene. Whis, in tacit agreement, commenced their journey back to Earth. Meanwhile, on Earth, the Saiyan warriors relentlessly attacked Zamasu, who, despite regenerating, found little reprieve.

Emerging from the Room of Spirit and Time, Turles homed in on Kakarot's energy. As Zamasu struggled against the Saiyans, his gaze met Turles'. "IMPOSSIBLE!" he exclaimed, his anger palpable. The Saiyans, bewildered, turned to face Turles.

"What the actual hell is going on?!" Raditz demanded. Turles smirked. "It seems that you all were holding back on this imposter," he said, observing his lifeless clone on the ground. "Don't worry; that was just a clone with one percent of my true power."

"No... did you... know–" Zamasu stammered. Turles grinned, "What can I say? I know a lot."

Using telekinesis, Turles brought Zamasu closer and engaged in a fierce battle. During the confrontation, he drained Zamasu of all his energy. Whis and Beerus arrived just in time to witness Turles employing a particular technique.

Turles extended his hand and uttered a single word, "HAKAI!" The attack, an intensely powerful condensed ball of ki with no destructive properties, caught everyone's attention.

"If you're going to imitate the Hakai, you at least have to use destroyer ki," Beerus admonished. Turles retorted, "Well, are you planning on teaching me or what?"

"First, we need to fix this whole mess Zamasu made," Beerus declared, turning his attention to the aftermath of Zamasu's chaos.

Shin, Beerus, and Whis traversed to Universe 10, aiming to secure a time ring. Beerus elucidated the plan to Shin, emphasizing that he would be the one meddling with time. Shin, wearing the time ring, delved into an existing timeline, a precaution to avoid spawning a new one and subsequently a new time ring.

In this alternate timeline, Shin gathered the seven super dragon balls. With a straightforward wish, he sought to undo Zamasu's malevolent act. "My wish is to revert everything back to the way it was before Zamasu killed Gowasu!"

The wish resonated through the cosmos, and Shin promptly returned to his original timeline, informing Beerus that the task was accomplished. Gowasu, now revived, voiced his disappointment of Zamasu. His prodigy had succumbed to a dark path and paid the ultimate price.

Meanwhile, in the celestial realm of the Omni-King, Zeno, boredom had taken hold. Since witnessing the tournament between universes 6 and 7, he harbored a desire to host his own tournament. The distinction lay in the scale--he intended to involve all twelve universes.

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