End: One And The Same

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Their spaceship's communication system crackled to life, relaying a report from another Galactic Patrol squad that had stumbled upon Moro's elusive whereabouts. Turles, his senses keen, directed his focus toward the coordinates provided, a sense of urgency coursing through him.

With a determined expression, Turles initiated his own search, delving into the vast expanse of space in pursuit of the notorious villain. As he honed in on Moro's energy signature, a sinister smile twisted the corners of Moro's lips, sending a chill down Turles' spine.

Returning to his allies, Turles recounted his encounter, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "Moro sensed my presence," he revealed, his brows furrowed in concern. "His ki may not be immense, but it radiates a malevolence, unlike anything I've ever felt."

Merus, the seasoned Galactic Patroller, explained, detailing Moro's horrifying ability to absorb the life force of entire planets to fuel his insatiable power. The revelation sent a collective shiver through the group as they grappled with the gravity of their foe's capabilities.

As the implications of Merus' words sank in, the Saiyans turned their attention toward Turles, drawing parallels between Moro's abilities and his own. "It sounds eerily similar to your power, brother," Raditz remarked, his tone laden with concern.

Kakarot's voice rang out with a note of realization. "Yeah, it does seem to mirror your abilities, Turles," he observed, exchanging a meaningful glance with his brother.

Vegeta, ever perceptive, echoed their sentiments. "Perhaps there's more to your connection with Moro than meets the eye," he mused, his words carrying the weight of truth.

Turles already knew this, he knew for a very long time. There indeed was an uncanny resemblance between himself and Moro as they shared the same power. "You may be right," he conceded.

Grand Kaioshin was perplexed to hear about this. "So, you and Moro share the same power you say? Well, that would certainly explain why you are the way you are. Your power is truly extraordinary."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Turles relayed the alarming news that Moro was setting course for New Namek, a foreboding sign of the imminent danger that loomed ahead.

As Pasta Macareni interjected, the atmosphere aboard the Galactic Patrol ship shifted. His words carried weight, drawing the attention of both Turles and his companions. "Namekians and Dragon Balls, you say?" Turles inquired, his brow furrowing with interest. "Tell us more."

Pasta Macareni, with a sense of urgency, recounted what he had learned from a former prisoner with ties to Frieza's regime. "The Namekians possess Dragon Balls capable of granting three wishes," he explained, his tone laced with a hint of excitement. "And now, it seems, someone else is after them."

Meanwhile, aboard Moro's vessel, tension hung heavy in the air as Cranberry, the pilot, relayed vital information to his enigmatic leader. "The Dragon Balls can grant three wishes," he informed Moro, his voice laced with apprehension. "And one of those wishes could secure your escape to a world beyond reach."

Moro's eyes gleamed with a hunger for power as he absorbed Cranberry's words. "One wish is all I require," he declared, his voice a low rumble of anticipation. With unwavering determination, he set his sights on New Namek, his intentions shrouded in mystery and malice.

In the urgency of the moment, Turles wasted no time in making a decision. "We need to teleport to the planet immediately," he asserted, his voice commanding attention. With a determined gaze, he motioned for the Saiyans and the Grand Supreme Kai to follow suit. There was no room for hesitation; the safety of the Namekian people hung in the balance.

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