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"The project we submitted is similar to the other groups project" as these words left Zuri's mouth everyone fell silent for a moment and then chaos broke out Cami was confused, Max angry and Julian trying to convince others that they didn't copy "...

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"The project we submitted is similar to the other groups project" as these words left Zuri's mouth everyone fell silent for a moment and then chaos broke out Cami was confused, Max angry and Julian trying to convince others that they didn't copy "Can you explain in detail what happened?" I questioned her

"I went to submit the project and the Professor was just reviewing it when she told me that another group had some similar designs and autumn theme. At first I didn't believe it but she showed it"

"Then say it to the professor. You know we worked on it together you are the witness" Max excamiled "Not useful, they already submitted it first , that means we will be at fault and called a copycat " Julian slammed his hands on the table in anger "but we worked so hard on it . Can't we ask to investigate" Zuri shook her head "the professor was kind enough to let it go and gave us another chance to submit new work "

"Oh come on kind? What's the kindness here when others copied our work but we have to redo it again?" Max scoffed "Does it matter so much? Can't they just consider our project?" Cami asked "They didn't copy somehow our theme matched"

"And this is the fashion Industry, even a bit of similarity will bring you lots of criticism and shame . Many famous designers lost their name due to plagiarism" I said remembering the scandal that happened in 2005 with Louis Martin who was boycotted by people because he stole the work of a junior designer. The hate was so much that he had to leave this country.

"Stella is right" Zuri agreed. "don't waste time , two weeks until the deadline if we don't start soon then it will be impossible to complete it"

"Agh not this again" Max groaned and dropped himself on the chair "It's okay let's just start again we can complete it in 2 weeks right?" Cami tried to stay positive. We are given a month for 6 designs but we completed it in 2 weeks and now we need to change the theme and layout complete and put everything together in 2 weeks , this is gonna be stressful

"We have another problem . I don't think I can help you guys anymore" Zuri announced, sending all of us in agony "but why?" Max raised his voice "I am sorry guys but I too have other assignments and upcoming tests so I don't think I can- I am sorry"

"It's not your fault you shouldn't apologize, you already helped us a lot" I thanked her , Zuri is in her last year she has more work than us . This is all happening due to the one similarity in our designs . "Then what should we do? We need some mentoring" Cami said .
Zuri looked down in sorrow

This group project should be mentored by a senior and we will receive extra points according to the senior's performance and even they get advantage but now no one's here to help us .

"How about we take help from Ian?" Max suggested a new name "Really Max you are suggesting my ex?" Zuri's head snapped .This was the first time I saw her raise her voice. "Well you broke up with him but he's still my friend."

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