43.𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞

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(a/n Before y'all read the chapter I wanna say that this book is a 'closed door romance' it has been mentioned many times in the starting and also on my Instagram. DON'T SAY YOU WERE ROBBED BECAUSE I ALREADY ANNOUNCED IT MANY TIMES!!)


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The food is ready

The table is set

Everything is perfect, I hope

I take a step back and look at the table which I have been trying to set up for the last half an hour. I placed it near the table near the floor to the ceiling window, which gives us a nice view of the night view of Sydney.

I take a deep breath making a checklist in my mind to make sure everything is arranged. I have prepared some seafood dishes. Aunt Lia sent their recipes to help me. I have set the living room's lighting to dim and the air conditioner is making the room temperature cool and relaxed. As soon as she comes I will serve the food. Am I Missing something?

The dessert!

Oh NO-

How can I forget that!

I rush to the kitchen and open the fridge to look at what I have available. I sigh, realizing there's nothing useful. Maybe I could serve ice cream? But it's too simple, plus she ate ice cream yesterday too. Should I order something?

It should arrive by time

I hear the sound of the door opening, before I turn around I feel a pair of arms wrapping around my waist. Stella's figure hugging me from behind which makes me chuckle. I turn around, Stella loses her grip so I could move, I face her as she hugs me again. I smile, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her even closer.

"How was it?" I ask, resting my chin on her head. She sighs against my chest, but I could feel it wasn't a sad one, a relieved one instead. I rub her back gently. I knew Ethan would call Stella, I wasn't surprised but texting her at the time when she received the rejected email by NYX was a really concerning timing

Ethan has been helping me investigate what happened in the dorm, because of him I could stay a bit relaxed but after he revealed that his father has been behaving differently made me worry again. When I met him one thing I realized that even though his face matches his father, but his words and actions doesn't

"So many things happened, but I don't wanna talk about it right now" Stella mumbles. I nod understanding it and decide to give her time. "Sure, why don't we have dinner?" I ask, she looks at me and smiles. I take her hand and guide her to the table I arranged.

Her smile grows wider looking at the set up, she wraps her arms around me again, her grip tighter than before. That's new, Stella usually doesn't cling to me like this. I wrap my arms around her holding her tightly "talk to me" I whisper against her hair

She looks at me, with an expression which I couldn't understand "You know during everything in the midst of chaos I just realised how fast time is passing by and the small moments we spend together are becoming fragments of our memories. I was worrying about the future that I missed the part where I should be enjoying my present that will define my future" her voice comes out as a low whisper "my future with you Liam"

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