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"Explain" Jeff orders, his voice is stern enough to make those bodyguards look down avoiding his gaze.

"She was talking to her friend for a while and excused herself to the restroom. But after a while we lost track of her " one of the bodyguards explained. He looks quite professional with his attire and expression yet he didn't do his job well

Jeff sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose "Did you check properly?" Both the bodyguards nod in union. Jeff looks at me , he looks clearly annoyed . I am more worried than being annoyed by the situation, I glance at the bodyguards "Search for her properly" listening to my words they start moving away

Jeff is tapping his left foot on the ground continuously "And here I thought I had the best team"

I tried calling Stella many times but her phone goes to voicemail each time. My palm is clenching around the charm in my pocket, I don't know what to do. I wanna calm down but I can't . "Are you having flashbacks like me?" Jeff breaks the silence

"I am having really bad flashbacks"

"Let's split up" Jeff walks towards the left wing of the hall whereas I am searching in the right wing. This is a huge banquet hall with 3 floors and she can be anywhere. The bodyguards have already claimed to Search for her on this floor but I want to double check

I remove my watch and tie and keep them inside my coat. Even the air is irritating me. All of this is actually giving me flashbacks of the party

2 years ago
Liam- 21 , Stella- 18

It's suffocating

Everyone is busy discussing their own matters, chatting like they don't have any problems. I don't know why I agreed to come here. It's Sebastian Miller's law firm's 20th anniversary today and he held a huge celebration for Sebastian Miller, the most ruthless lawyer who won 90% of the cases he took . He would go to the limits to win the case

I didn't know about it but Jeff dragged me here. He lied saying it's his friend's party

He is enjoying his drink standing beside me with a sly smirk on his face as he observes each and every person here. I don't know why I randomly agreed to race for him at his illegal event , I don't regret it. I enjoy it but he has too much information about me that it's quite astonishing

We didn't talk much but for the past few races he has been having small conversations with me and today randomly he invited me to a party hosted by someone I despise

"Why did you bring me here Jeff?" My jaw clenches as I notice Sebastian at a distance talking to his guest. That fake mask he wears of being a good person irritates me.

Jeff pats my shoulder opens, it makes me realize how tightly I was holding my glass "I have some good information for you" he states

I nod

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