Chapter 1

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My leg rhythmically bounced up and down, creating a synchronisation to the gentle hum of the music enveloping me. In the front seat, the ongoing chatter between the couple provided a backdrop to the journey. Viv and Beth engaged in a discussion about plans for the upcoming week, filled the car with a blend of annoyance and casual banter.

"No, Viv, next week is when we are seeing them; they aren't here this weekend," Beth explained, her words weaving seamlessly into the ambient sounds.

"Alright, but what about the other people who you are supposed to be seeing next week?" Viv inquired, prompting a dialogue that would accompany us for most of the car ride.

"That's all good, don't worry. I've got it all sorted," Beth reassured, her confidence cutting through the air.

The familiar tone of their conversation provided a comforting soundtrack as my elbow rested on the car door, and my leg continued its restless movements. Choosing to remain silent during the journey, I absorbed the atmosphere until Beth's voice directed my attention.

"Blake, what's up?" she asked, breaking the silence I had comfortably settled into.

"Nothing, just nervous," I admitted, my eyes scanning the passing scenery.

"Don't be; you know so many people there," Viv chimed in, injecting a note of encouragement.

"And they all love you," Beth added, her words offering a reassuring boost to my confidence.

As we arrived at the complex, Beth and Viv guided me through the reception area and eventually to Jonas's office. Despite my insistence that I didn't need babysitting, Beth playfully asserted, "I don't want my little girl getting lost," accompanied by a teasing pout.

With a roll of my eyes, I accepted her concern, acknowledging the underlying affection in her words.

Exiting the office quickly, Jonas, greeted me warmly. "Ah, Blake, how are you?"

"I'm good, Jonas. How about you?" I responded, reciprocating the friendly tone.

"Yeah, going great. So, it seems like you've already got some people showing you around," he observed, pointing to the companionship of Beth and Viv.

"Yeah," I confirmed, appreciating the warmth of the welcome.

"Well, I'll take you to meet all the girls soon. But first, let's get you your kit and training gear so you can be changed and ready for training this morning," Jonas suggested, seamlessly transitioning into the practicalities of my movement to the club.


After the whirlwind of introductions and the exchange of pleasantries between me and members of staff around the facility, a short health test concluded. A sense of camaraderie had begun to blossom, and I found myself surrounded by so many talented people. Even though I hadn't even met them yet.

"Alright, girls, I have an announcement," Jonas declared, gathering the attention of the team. "As many of you know, there have been a few rumors about a new signing with us. I would like you to meet Blake Stanway."

The reaction was immediate; Alessia, Teyah, and Lotte shot up, rushing over to me and engulfing me in a big, bone-crushing hug. Laughter and excited chatter filled the air as the team welcomed me into their fold.

"Blake, why didn't you tell us?" Alessia exclaimed, her eyes reflecting genuine surprise.

"It was supposed to be a surprise," I explained, sharing in their infectious enthusiasm.

"Well, it was very surprising," Teyah added with a grin.

"Yeah," Lotte concurred, capturing the collective sentiment.

Encouraged by the positive reception, Alessia ushered me to meet the rest of the team. Names and faces blended as I navigated through the sea of introductions, gradually becoming a part of the intricate tapestry that was the team.

As the day unfolded, conversations with teammates revealed shared connections, either through acquaintances or having witnessed my previous games. Compliments and friendly banter added layers to the already-strengthening bonds with my new teammates, leaving me with a sense of belonging.

"Hey Blake, I'm Jen, and this is Katie," a new pair of faces approached me, breaking into my reflections.

"Hi," I greeted them warmly.

"Hey," Katie responded with a hint of monotony, a subtle nuance that struck a discordant note.

"Um, anyways, we were thinking of having a team bonding tonight because of the new signings, and we were wondering if you were free," Jen proposed, her enthusiasm tempered by Katie's seemingly indifferent approach towards me.

"Yeah, sure. Text me the address," I replied, excited to settle myself further into my new team.

"Ok, sounds good," Jen confirmed, offering a parting smile before walking away. Katie lingered for a moment, her gaze fixed on me, before eventually strolling off in a different direction.

The meeting left me wondering—a bit out of place amid the friendly atmosphere of introductions. As I thought about the strange moment, the day continued, signalling the start of a new phase in my time with the team.


Hi first chapter its bad but oh well

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