Chapter 16

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"Cait you know how I feel about Blake it doesn't matter to me why you and Lia broke up"

"Katie please I love you Blake doesn't case about you like I do"

"You don't know anything"

I walk past her out of the living room and into my bedroom.

"Katie she's going on a date with her ex-girlfriend tomorrow night" she said following me

I stayed silent. She was right. I don't know about the date part but she was her ex.

Caitlin took my silence that I agreed and took a step closer to me.

"Katie you know I'm right. She's going to go on that date and realise she made a mistake, ditch you and move to Barcelona"

"Thats a bit much no? Barcelona won't take her"

Shit that came out wrong

"I agree she's not as good as everybody says"

I hear the door creak but ignore it.

"You can't deny it Katie" she whispers grabbing my hand and interwinning our fingers.

I don't answer her instead looking down at our interwined hands.

As I look back up at her I am met by her lips on mine. I don't know why but I didn't pull away. It felt comforting after what she had brought up about Blake and Ona.

Caitlin attempted to deepen the kiss but this was what brought me back to reality. I pulled away quickly, staring at her. She had a wide smile placed on her face.

"I didn't want to believe it" I heard a shaky voice say from the door

I turned by head and was met with Blake's glassed over eyes staring at me in disbelief.

I quickly pulled my hand out of Caitlins.

"Blake no please it's not what it lo-"

"It is Blake we kissed but you saw that I'm sorry but I love her"

Blake's jaw dropped slightly at her words.

I attempt to say something but nothing comes out.

I see a sparkling tear drip down her face slowly.

"Katie I love you why'd you have to lead me on this long"

She loves me. Fuck I've really fucked it up. I didn't know what to say.

She then turns on her heel and walks out the door before I can literate a response.

Caitlin places her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"It's for the best"

I shrug her off.

"No it's not Caitlin"

I quickly run out of the room, through the living room and out into the hallway but she's already gone.

I should've told her not to go. I should've said something. Anything would be better than me saying nothing back.

a/n cheeky ts lyrics 😉
thanks for the 20 votes so quick

say don't go - katie mccabeWhere stories live. Discover now