Chapter 9

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Today was media day. Some girls love it, some girls hate it. I was somewhere in the middle.

Basically it was just as getting shit tonnes of photos taken of us in our kits. There was also a shit tonne of waiting around whilst some people did interviews or there was an issue with the cameras, which happened alot.

However today for some reason I was running late. I was about halfway to the traning centre, at the time I was supposed to be there ready 20 minutes ago. Honestly I have no clue as to how I became so late but I am and I can't change that.

incoming call from katie mccabe

"hey katie i know I'm late I'm about 10 minutes away"

"Blake you've got media in 20"

"Shit alright I'll be there super soon"

"Be safe if you miss it just get someone to go for you"

"No no I'll be there can you make sure all my stuff is like ready and get me a blowdryer"

"yeah ive already checked for you and you can use teyah's"

"alright thankyou so much katie"

"anytime i'll see you soon"

"yeah ok bye"

I continued driving, each light I hit was red. Just my luck.

When I finally got there I had about 8 minutes before media. I ran inside, almost forgetting to lock my car in the process.

I ran past Beth and Kyra who were all dressed and ready.

"Hey Bla-" Kyra said

"Can't talk I'm really late" I yelled at them not stopping as I ran past them.

I pushed open the doors to the change rooms and saw Katie and Teyah in the corner on their phones. Katie's head immediatly flung up when it heard the sound from the door and she jumped up from her seat.

"Hey you've got time you don't need to stress" Katie said

"Yeah it's all good" Teyah added

I didn't reply, instead rushing to my cuppy and ripping off my shirt and shorts and quickly dressing myself. I didn't care that Katie was shamelessly staring at me as I did so too.

I walked over to the mirror and Katie and Teyah followed. I heard the whir of 2 hairdryers being put onto my freshly washed, and still wet hair.

Viv walked in with 2 more hairdryers and handed them to me to use on my hair as well.

Gio sat behind us laughing at how stupid we looked. Though it worked. About 2 minutes later my hair was dry enough, I was dressed and I looked great. Well alright.

"Ah thanks I'll see you guys later" I said pulling on my shoes and running out of the doors to the indoor pitch where cameras were set up.

say don't go - katie mccabeWhere stories live. Discover now