Chapter 7

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"Katie what do you mean you can't talk about it with me" I sat up from the table now having my legs hanging over the table.

She tensed at my words probably regretting this conversation at this point.

"Look I don't want to jeaprodise anything between us and the team especially cause Champions League is coming up and we need to fully smash that but like i guess what I'm trying to say is that I like you li-"

"This doesn't have anything to do with last night right?"

"No well a little but I really do like you"

"Katie you're so confusing like you act like you hate me one moment then you say you have a crush on me"

"Look I get if you don't like me ba-"

"I do like you Katie I jus-"

I was cut off by Katie kissing me. When I didn't pull away she moved herself in between my legs and deepened the kiss. Her hand moved underneath my training top and stayed on my lower back. 

This went on for however long with her hands beginning to explore my body and our lips still connected until I heard a door opening down the hall.

I quickly pushed her off, which, luckily I did because Kyra and the lady who was helping her entered the room. 

Katie stood less than a metre away from me swaying awkwardly. Her ponytail was slightly loose and her face looked red. For me, I had no clue how guilty I looked but I could tell that my shirt wasn't correctly sitting on my body.

"All good" I asked, clearing my throat.

"Yeah no issues" Kyra answered

I looked over at her where she stood looking between us. 

"What's going on"

"Nothing Katie and I were just having a chat about Champions league right?"

"Yeah exactly"

"Oh alright well I'm going to head off I'll see you later Blake"

"Bye Ky"

She walked out of the room but not before looking back at us as she exited the door frame.

"Sorry um didn't want her to see you know"

"No i get it that's all good"

She stepped forward, slotting between my legs again.

"So" I said trying to get the words out smoothly

"So" she repeated tucking a piece of hair behind my ear

I didn't have anything to say honestly. Nor did she. We stood there in this position, staring at each other for I don't know how long.

As I was about to say something Viv walked in the door.

"Shit sorry just looking for my physio sorry to interupt" Viv said walking past us in our position

"Its fine Viv" Katie groaned looking behind her

"But um Blake, Beth is looking for you" Viv said awkwardly looking at Katie knowing she was going to be scolded after I left

"Course she is" I said

Katie stepped back again and I stood up from off the table. I winced lightly after putting the pressure on my foot.

"You alright" Katie said quickly

"Yeah all good"

"I'll see you later yeah"

"Yeah of course"

I pressed a kiss on her cheek before walking slowly out of the room. Fuck my foot hurts.

say don't go - katie mccabeWhere stories live. Discover now