The Cemetery

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It was so cold. I should've worn my gloves as they were going red and numb. My nose was like Rudolf. But it was a gorgeous sight.The snow may be viscous but oh... How it was so calm to watch. Until this little dog started taking a shit inront of me.

We were getting close to the cemetery and at this point I was numb all over. I was shivering and the snow was getting even more heavy, the dog was tugging me, I was slipping and it was all just going wrong. I haven't seen a single person outside, but I couldn't blame them. I got to the cemetery and now I could finally head home, until something caught my eye. Or should I say someone.

I look over and it was a young lady. She was wearing a beautiful white dress that went to her feet. Her hair was flowing so gently in the wind. I just caught myself staring at her but then she turned her head and looked right in my eyes. The wind suddenly calmed down and it was like I was in  movie. The snow was now falling ever so peacefully and our eyes just clicked. She had red, rosy cheeks like Cherry's but the rest was a plale white. Her hair was lightly covered with snow and was visible with her black hair. Her eyes were blue as... As... I can't even find the words to describe her eyes. They were a blue that I've never seen before. But I was so lost in them that I didn't realize her facial expression. It was like she was confused. Like I wasn't supposed to see her.

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