angels aren't always pretty.

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I have lived here my whole life and I've never seen her here before. And I knew everyone here but not her. I would've definitely remembered if I had seen her anywhere else. I mean she gorgeous. How could I not remember her..

I snap out of our staring contest and I wave to her in a friendly manner. She waves back but slowly. I don't want to go into the cemetery as I have a dog with me but we are close enough so we can talk to each other. I try to start conversation by asking her why she's wearing that dress out in the cold. She doesn't reply but shrugs her shoulders. I find it a bit rude but doesn't really matter. I offer her my coat but she refuses by shaking her head. She still looks confused. I should be the confused one but then she tucks her hair behind her ear.

When I look at her in the eyes I keep getting butterflies. She's so pretty. More pretty than all the girls in my school combined. She then approaches me slowly and steady. A small wall is in between us but she isn't taking any foot steps. It's like she's hovering towards me but I don't move. She comes up to the wall and smiles. Her smile makes me smile. I'm in love... In love with an angel. I don't even know her name but what ever is is I bet it's a sweet name. She's still smiling at me with her perfect teeth and wide smile. She's looking right at me until her eyes start to turn back into her head. I stumble back and black goo starts to drop out of her mouth while she still smiles. Her smile starts to turn creepy and nella starts barking and I trip backwards.

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