6) Bat-blocked!

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{Author's Note: "Here we are, another unfinished story draft, this time about the duo finally almost making it to Violet City. Again, I repeat, it is UNFINISHED, so it might not suffice if you need more meat in the chapter, but I wanted to share the bits and pieces I had been working on years ago before I start fresh. So please try to be satisfied, folks, at least for now. OK?"}

"I do believe we're almost there!" Gold said as his eyes scanned their surrounding forest paths and wildflowers. "I recognize this part of the route to Violet City. It won't be long now, Silver. You can finally battle Falkner!"

Silver nodded, his face still emotionless and thoughtful. "But I can't get too excited, Gold. I got a lot of training to do before I try to take him down."

"Perhaps, if we can find some other trainers, we'll speed up the process. Pokemon grow when they battle, as you already know. If we can get a few quick matches from Bug Catchers, it would be a good thing," Gold advised.

"We should look for a room to stay in at Violet City first. We'll need a few days of hard training." Silver shifted the Egg he carried.

"I guess a bed would be more comfy than a sleeping bag," Gold thought out loud.

"We'll need to budget, too. If you don't mind, we'll just share," Silver told him.

"Share a room, you mean?" His face went red.

"Yes." Silver suddenly looked him in the eye. "Unless you do...stuff...that have to be private. You do, don't you?"

"...N-No." Gold shook his head. Even if he did, he could always hide in the bathroom.

"Good. Then we'll share." Silver went back to staring ahead while they strolled down the path.

Gold suddenly slowed slightly in his walking. After hearing that, he felt oddly dazed...in a good way. Suddenly, he found himself looking forward to reaching the city. Not that he thought Silver would care or even notice, but of course he wanted to be alone with him, even if it was a bit awkward. He just liked the feeling. And he also wondered if he could gently coax his story out of him. Why he disappeared those years ago.

He sent him a small smile, which he didn't see since he was looking at a flock of Pidgey flying ahead. Hopefully, he will tell him what he needs to know someday.

Afterwards, his mind relaxed and he simply enjoyed the sound of their feet crunching pebbles and the golden sunshine upon them. He often daydreamed about meeting beautiful girls and visiting many places. But simply being with Silver is happiness, too, he thought.

Oh, if only he could hold his hand. Or something.

Unconsciously, his fingers lifted as if to do so but dropped when his thoughts went sour. Aw, who was he kidding? he thought with a frown. Chances are, he doesn't have any luck with a fellow guy. Even if it was Silver. Especially if it was Silver.

He hung his head down as they walked on, not noticing Silver had halted and accidentally bumping into his back. Before he could apologize, he heard Silver curse under his breath as he looked ahead.

Tilting his head for a better look, Gold peered over his friend's shoulder and saw a hundred Zubat coming their way. "Uh-oh," he murmured.

"Heads up," Silver warned, reaching for a Poke ball.

Gold stopped him before he could call on Weavile. "I think it's better if we just duck; there's so many of them." And he pulled him downwards into the grass.

The bats streaked by them and flew out in different directions, screaming and flapping. Even after they had spread out and flown away, a few Zubat still passed by every half-minute.

"What is up with those Zubat, man?" Gold wondered.

"What makes you think I know?" Silver rolled his eyes.

"I just hope they won't be a bother."

But as soon as they continued to travel, more Zubat came at them in clusters of three and four, so panicked that they often tackled their faces by mistake. At one point, one of their spindly legs scratched up against Silver's face, and he started to frown. But when a hungry-looking Golbat flew straight towards Gold and, in a daze, attempted to leech-life him, he decided he'd had enough and kicked it with his foot in agitation, causing Gold to stumble.

"Ow. I'm okay," Gold sputtered.

But Silver was glaring at the fallen Golbat. "These pesky little... We can't get to Violet City with these in the way! I'm going to go see what's going on." he started forward, dodging the bats, Gold following closely behind.

Following the source of the Zubat, they came upon a cave. Zubat, Golbat, and Crobat flew out of it while Geodude and low-level Onix went about in a panicked manner at the entrance. A low rumbling noise came from within every now and then, causing more bats to rush out in what seemed to be fright.

"I'm pretty sure something's up in there," Silver declared. "We should check it out." He tried sneaking forward.

"Sil, wait!" Gold warned, but it was too late.

An Onix, startled by his arrival, swung it's tail at him in self-defense, and he was slammed against a rock.

He heard Gold utter a cry of worry before he slipped into unconsciousness.


Silver slowly woke with Gold's palm upon his forehead, Gold checking to see if he was feverish or hurt. Sitting up upon the shabby cot, he surveyed the surroundings. They were in an ancient wooden hut. Everything in it was old and aged. The lamps weren't lit, but the windows were all opened to let in sunshine.

Before he could say a word, a lady in her mid-forties appeared from the other room. "Oh, goodness, dearie, you're awake!" she exclaimed.

Gold grinned at him. "This is Ms. Miller. She offered to help me out back when you were knocked out."

"Thank you. But I can't stay too long." He tried to get up, grunting, then lay back in exhaustion. "Guess I'll be staying awhile," he mumbled, annoyed at his journey's major delay.

Ms. Miller was a friendly host in spite of her miserable dwelling. Although she obviously was struggling on her own, she still made lunch for them anyway. Silver merely listened while she and Gold chatted over the stew.

She talked about her struggles and how she eventually became a hermit due to them and lived in the route between Violet and Cherrygrove. She eventually came to the subject of the nearby cave full of bat Pokemon.

"The bats have been like this since dawn," she told them. "I've lived here for years and this is the first time I've had this sort of trouble. Their screeches give me headaches."

"Do you think anyone could be bothering them?" Gold asked her as he ate.

"Come to think of it, I might," she replied, and Silver was all ears. "I saw a man enter the cave early today while I was gathering berries. He had these weird Pokemon with him. He looked strangely suspicious."

{Author's Note: "Aaaand that's it! What a cliffhanger! And in case anyone's wondering, I can barely remember any freaking details about what was supposed to happen in this chapter. That is, who upset the bats and why, as well as how he messed with them, and how Silver and Gold handled the whole situation. So PLEEEASE, don't even ask... *embarrassed sweatdrop* Sorry, this fanfic's just...old... As usual, stay tuned 'til the remake reveal!"}

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