3) Apology Accepted

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"Listen, I was a terrible friend, okay, you know what I'm saying?


"I got him grounded for a week. A week!"


"I think I should apologize... Do you think he'll forgive me?"


"Ugh... Darn it, if only I could understand you. Why am I even talking to a Pokemon in the first place?" Gold stroked his chosen Starter in his arms, careful not to accidentally touch the occasional rising flames on its back.

The Cyndaquil nuzzled against him slightly as he fed it a packet of Poke Blocks from the local Poke Mart as a snack. The two of them, Trainer and Pokemon, shared an outdoor bench in a small park not too far from Professor Elm's lab, where his helpers would usually take the unselected and young Starters for walks each week until a new Trainer took them away and they were replaced with a fresh batch.

He was supposed to be enjoying the sun and developing a bond with his new companion, yet for the umpteenth time he was attacked by his guilt of getting Silver grounded. His conscience surely wasn't gonna let him rest until he said he was sorry.

He stared off at a couple of Pidgey doing a mating dance of sorts in the air. "Do you think I should say sorry, Cyndaquil?" he asked with the question directed to his Pokemon.

The plump dark blue Pokemon said nothing, but he felt it nod at him before it continued licking the sugar from the sweetened blocks on his open palm.

He nodded to himself and started to think of how he should do so. Then, as soon as Cyndaquil had finished the candy and had dozed off beside him, he reached into his pocket for his PokeGear and started to text his apology.


"Hey, Silver. I am really sorry about getting you grounded and all. It was a very stupid mistake. I'll let you get back at me if you can't forgive me too easily. I'll let you kick me or add me to your hit list. Just forgive me, OK? :'( "


Then he hit the send button and immediately he felt himself relax. Finally, he had done it!

...Or had he?

As he re-checked the message he'd sent, he realized he'd made some terrible errors.

Oh... Arceus! What the heck! He gasped. He might as well have died of embarrassment right now. His face was Tamato-red and his eyes were wider than a Hoothoot's.

Why, oh, why did this happen? Oh, hell, no! Just no! His hand shook as it held the PokeGear and he suddenly had to lean back and try to catch his breath. The mistake was just so...inappropriate! Oh, Arceus, if only he hadn't been so careless and hasty in texting!

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