4) Thanks to Teamwork!

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"A/N: To whoever kindly took the time to actually read this story, I'm sorry for the slow updates and crap. You see, sometimes a big problem or two just suddenly gets in the way while you're working on something and it just takes a long while to fix it and get back to what you were doing.

I'm so sorry about that, but hey, life isn't always easy-peasy. Anyway, here's the next chapter!"

Ugh. Why did I even agree to this in the first place? Silver shifted his weight as he was reclining on a love seat facing a low glass table topped with an assortment of Pokemon magazines for guests.

Gold, sitting next to him, had buried his nose in a magazine, perhaps drooling over the picture of the Gym Leaders Whitney or Jasmine. However, had Silver been able to read his mind, it was simply an attempt to mask the fact that he was nervous. They'd been silently sitting for about ten minutes and neither of them had said a word to the other.

Gold practically leaped at the idea of being with him, yet he hated being a cause of any inconvenience at all. He pretended to be engrossed in reading a random magazine to avoid having to witness him fume.

Silver finally paused the impatient tapping of his foot and turned to the raven. "I don't mean to sound rude, but why didn't you tell me you had an errand to run?"

"Eh? I guess I forgot." Gold scratched his nape with a sheepish smile.

"I'm ticked having to wait for this 'Mr. Pokemon' guy." Silver irritably glanced at a clock.

"Calm down, Sil. It's only ten minutes. How long can it be?"

However, within the next fifteen minutes, they'd fallen asleep on the lounge.


"Sir? Do you think we should wake them up?"

"Let them be. They must be tired of waiting for me."

Silver stirred at the voices of Mr. Pokemon and his house's caretaker, his eyes slitted and his mind still half-asleep. As he attempted to turn to the side, he felt a strange weight blocking further movement.

Curiously, he peeked through slitted eyes and did a double take, his eyes going wide in realization.

Gold was sleeping -- on top of him!

Although startled, he kept his calm and paused from further stirring. How the hell did they get into this position? From what he could remember, he'd fallen asleep on the sofa's back in a reclining pose long before Gold had. That is, unless he touched him. But he shouldn't assume he did, since it could be possible he'd stirred by himself.

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