Chapeppe 2

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Billei woke up in a cozy cave house, with a fire going. He sat up and saw Shrek rocking back and forth in his armchair.

"Oh.. hi.." Hillie said shylu. He had such a crush on Shrek!
"Helo." Shrek stood up and came towards Billei. "You passt out. I thought you died, so I brought you here."

"Oh.. haha.. okay." Billie laughed nervously, blushing. He looked at Shrek up and down, fascinated by the ogre. His smooth green skin.. his lucious lips.. boy!! He wanted to kiss em!!!!!

"So, who are you?" Shrek leaned forwrad, his ryes glostening.

"Erm.. I am biklie joe armstrong.. erm.. sometimes I put trash in my mouth.. iys so delicious yum yum!" Billie smiled. Shrek cocked his head to the side.

"Hmm. Interesting. I never met someone who likes trash." Shrek straightened out

"Yeah.. ehehehhe.." Buelei rubbed dthe back of his head n-n-n-nervosuly!!!!!! "So ermmm... are you single??" Then Bileie imemdialyy regretted saying that. Of course Ahrek was not songle he had a wife!!!!!! Ogre wife

"Uhm no." Shrek shook his head. "I have a wife named Fiona. She's out shoppimg for silly women things like tampons."

"O-oh." Billie cracked his knuckles. "When will she be back?"

"I dunno." Dhrek shrugegd. "She said she wants to visist het friends after, so it may take a while.."

Billie nodded in acknowledgment. He had a big fat crush on this orge!!!!

"Well uhm what if we hung out?" Bulelie blsuehd. Shrek contempekated for a mormnt and then nodded. "Ok i am lonely abyways haha."

Billie smiled woth glee and got up, standing beside him. He felt dixzy, but that was ok. He walked pver to Sherk and sat on hsi lap. "Tell me a bedtime dtory please."

"Um ok." Shrej said. He recited the stiry of some dude eating a sandwich. Sherks voice is so nice it put Billei right to sleep.

Whej Bellie woke up he noticed Shrek had placed him on a couch. He felt hunrgy so he got out of bef and went to look for the love of his life.

Shrek was reading a book and then looked up with Billie and........... MADE EYE CONTACY EITH HIM!!!!!!

"OMG!!!!!" Billie gasped. Shrek looked confused. "Erm are you okay" shrek said

"Um um um um I GOTTA GO!!!!" Billie ran away scremaing. Shrek was so confused, but then he shrugged and continued reading.

Billie ran all the way home, now angry that he missed his one chance to be with the love of his life. Dang it!!!!!!!!! "Ugh!" He groaned. Why must billie be so sad???? He sighed and sadly walked home.

When he got to his home of house he saw Mike and Tree coal disgussign where Billei mighth have been when they turned and looked at bileli.

"BILLY!!!!! I was so worried!!" Tree jumped up and hugged Billei, swingign him aroudn in the air. "Oh un hi tre hahah." Bullei laughed nervously but his mind was still on that hot smeggsy ogre.

"So where were you" mike prompted, his arms crossed. "Um I went on a walk." Billie said. "But you were gone for a whole day!!! We stayed in your hiuse though because well we thought you wpild come back sooner or ladder."

"Oh." Billie blinekd. "Yeah!!!" Tre squeeled and hrabbed Billies arm, jumping up and down. "Oh my god Tre stop youre going to break my bones." Bullie groaned. Tre kept smothering him though WHAT A LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike squinted at billie not too sure if he was tellinh yhe truth or not. Billie had that guilty look on his face, like something was up. But mike was an okayish friend and didnt say anythign about it.

"So umm i guess wed better get going." Mike said. "Yeah." Tre agreed, leaving to go pack up his stuff. Mike then turned to Billie with a solemn expressoon.

"Billie i know you are worried about your wife Addrienne but... i think your grieving is getting a bit bad." Mike spoke softly. He put a hand on bieleis shoolder. "Just wait after the war she will be oakay."

Billie sughed. "I guess." Mike smiled and gave billei a thumbs up. "Thats the spirit!! She will be okay. But.. you need to move on. You cannot keep on dwellignon your wifes behalf ok?"

Oh, billy was so ready to move on, for mr sexy pants shrek heart emoji heart emoji

"Okay," billie agreed. Tre came back with Mikes and his own stuff "i am ready to go!!!! Yaaaaayyyy!!!" Tee ran out the door and mike had to chase him to make sure he didnt start a chain reaction of trucks toppling over each other and started the apocalypse.

Billei sighe and looked down at the floor. He trusted his friends and he wanted to believe addriene will be okay, but would waiting for addriene be better than moving on and being with that green ogre??? He felt butterlfies in his stomach every time he thought about him. He needed shrek. All to himself.

And he needed him now!!!!!!!

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