Charperhb 3

26 1 4

A week after Billie had first met shrek, he coudl not grt that ogre out of his mind. He felt an itch to keep him all to himself. He fidnt know how though...

He sighed and walked into the Hot Topic amd looked at all the shrek merch that was there. He wanted to buy Shrek a gift. He bought a shrek bracelete packa nd tried finding his way to the swamp where shrek lived

He went tot he swamp and knocked on shreks door. Knock knock!!!!

Sherk opened dthe door and lookmed at Billie joe. "Oh, hello billie joe armstronk. What brings you here???" Billie blushed and nervosuly giggled. "Eheheheh well uhm... i bought this for you." Billie gave shrek the bracelets.
"Oh why thank you." Shrek took the bracelets, opened fthe package and put them on. "I feel so maleboss thank you."

Billie felt super nervous. Shrek was so hot!!!

"Well can i um come inside?" Billie gigled. But shrek shook his head!!! "Sorry i have visitors. My wifes friend came over to talk about finances."

Billies heart shattered. What?! Who could this lady be?! Is she taking shrek away form him?!?!?$?!? "Oh uhm okay.." Billie sighed, but deep down he was fuming. How could this lady!!!!!

Bilkie joe walked away but he didnt leave for good. He hid in a bush and waited for the lady to leave the house.

After 2 hours the lady came out. She was a blonde lady with blue eyes and her hair was so long it reeched her booty cheeks

He watched as she went out of the swamp and he gollowed her slowly not to make nosie. He was goong to get revenge on that bitch for taking his shrek away from him!!!!!!!!!!!!

He watched her as she drove to her home. He made a mental note of where it was and he went to his own home. He search around his nouse, finding a taser he ahd for some reaosn.

He ran to her house and climbed in through the window!! He waited for her to get into the bathroom and waited for the soudn of a shower to start. He quietly came in and coveeed his eyes.

"Oh my god what are you doing?!" The lady screamed when she saw Billie in her bathroom!!! Billie screamed and tased her, the water and ellecktricty making her die.

He lookef fown at her body, giggling and slapping his knee. "Yay!!!! One less shrek wife." He smiled. He can't stand anyone coming near his senpai shrek!! He escaped her bathroom through the window and ran home.

He sat on his couch and threw his taser at the wall. "Oh dear i have killed a lady." He sighed. He felt his homosexuality going brbrbrbrbr andn it needed to be satisfied. He took out his phome and looked at pictures of shrek. Wowowiiei so amazing.!!!

He sighed after 5 hours of staring at Sheek. He thought about Shreks wife Fiona. Surely dhe would be with shrek. Maybe even kissing? Holy cow!

"I must find that lady!!!" He declared, springig up from the couch and leaving his house. He ddi not know where he was going but he was going somrwhere!!!!

He went to shreks house, his feet guiding him there agaisnt his will. His heart was racing as he peered into Shreks window. He was speaking with fiona!!!! Anger boiled inside of billie. How dare she? Spend time with his senpai!!!! Mad and heartbroken he stormed away to think of a plan on how to end that bitch

He paced around a tree not far from shreks house. How could he possibly kill fiona? He needs to prove his love for shrek. Maybe taking away hid wife will do the trick... ten he will have no chouce but to he with Bille!!! It was flawlessb!!

"Nyehehehehehh" billie giggled mischevsiouly.

"Hey!!! Get out of my swamp!!!" Shrek yelled at Billie, making him jump.

"AA!!" He blushed so hadd. "I- i - iiiiii AAAA!!!!" Billie ran away in a blushing mess so flustered. Shrek was confused at Bilies reaction but he shrugged it off.

As billie ran to the middle of the sidewalk he thoight. The perfect plan to get rid of fiona. He knew exactly how to do it. He just needed to find the right time.....

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