Chapter 091 - 092

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Chapter 091 University Campus

Today is a crisp day in autumn. There is a slight coolness in the morning air. Class is about to begin. On the university campus, students holding books or carrying schoolbags can be seen everywhere, full of youthful atmosphere.

Wei Chen took Chen Li's hand and entered Q University. Q University is a century-old school with a very rich cultural atmosphere. After Chen Li came in, he stared at everything curiously with his eyes shining brightly. Full of curiosity.

Wei Chen studied at Q University for four years and was extremely familiar with Q University. He led Chen Li around Q University. He could feel the excitement in Chen Li's heart and looked at Chen Li's eyes. Overflowing with tenderness.

When Chen Li showed his yearning for learning and school, Wei Chen had already imagined that Chen Li did not enjoy the responsibilities he should have in his childhood. The Chen family did not provide Chen Li with the opportunity to receive education. This is also The reason why Chen Li couldn't even recognize the words before.

Wei Chen could tell that Chen Li had a yearning for learning. He couldn't go to school when he was a child. Chen Li might also have regrets in his heart. Wei Chen would let Chen Li come to Q University to study, and he also set such a condition in front of Zhuge Yu. It is nothing more than to make up for Chen Li's regrets and satisfy Chen Li's yearning for learning.

After everything that happened yesterday, the knot in Wei Chen's heart about Chen Li's recovery has disappeared. Without the resistance of this knot, Wei Chen's desire to realize Chen Li's wish naturally became stronger. It was only the next day. When Chen Li came to Q University, Wei Chen was Chen Li's exclusive tour guide. Every time he took Chen Li to a landmark building, he would introduce the origin and history of the building to Chen Li. and humanities, Chen Li listened with great interest, with a look of obsession on his face.

Q University is very big. Wei Chen naturally did not expect to be able to visit the Q University campus in one morning. In fact, some people did not want them to spend all their time today visiting the campus. No, Wei Chen took Chen Li had only been shopping at Q University for about half an hour when Zhuge Yu called, his tone full of impatience.

After ending the call with Zhuge Yu, Wei Chen took Chen Li straight to Q University Academy of Fine Arts.

Zhuge Yu has his own studio in the Academy of Fine Arts, and he had already told Wei Chen the address of the studio in the phone call just now. Although Wei Chen had never been to the Academy of Fine Arts when he was studying at Q University, he had a strong sense of direction. Still, he quickly found Zhuge Yu's studio.

Zhuge Yu's studio is not big, but the lighting is very good. The autumn sunshine pours in, illuminating the room warmly. As soon as Chen Li entered the studio, he was attracted by the dazzling array of materials and appliances in the studio. His eyes fell on these The material has not been removed for a long time.

Zhuge Yu finally got his wish and took Chen Li as his student. He was so happy that he didn't sleep all night. Even now, he didn't even close the corners of his grin. When he saw Chen Li coming in, he immediately pulled him. Chen Li introduced to him some painting materials and tools in the studio that Chen Li had never seen before.

Chen Li listened very seriously, while Wei Chen watched quietly.

Immersed in learning, time passed quietly and unknownly, and half a day passed in the blink of an eye.

Zhuge Yu originally planned to introduce Chen Li to several of his colleagues, but Wei Chen refused. After thinking about it, Zhuge Yu felt that he was impatient. Chen Li didn't like to meet strangers in the first place. He brought Chen Li in front of those teachers, and Chen Li probably wouldn't adapt. After all, those people were very curious about Chen Li, and he couldn't predict what those old naughty boys would do by then.

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