Chapter 255 - 256

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Chapter 255 The Joy of Moving

"Zhuge Yu, thank you." After hearing Zhuge Yu's words, Chen Yunlan felt mixed emotions in her heart. The last thing she said was just a word of thanks. Thank you to Zhuge Yu for treating Chen Li so sincerely. She loves Chen Li as if she were her own son. What Zhuge Yu said is wrong. It's not that Chen Li has never experienced father's love. At least in Chen Yunlan's view, part of the emotion Zhuge Yu brought to Chen Li was father's love.

"Thank you for what? Xiao Li is my student. It's normal for me to be nice to him. There's nothing to thank him for." Zhuge Yu said with some seriousness: "Xiao Li's journey has not been easy. Since you know that he is you My son, just be nice to him. Although he seems to resist everything around him, after getting along with him, you will find that he actually longs for contact with the world, but before, this world brought him He will only resist if the harm is too great."

Chen Yunlan was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I understand." Her voice was a little hoarse.

"Forget it." Zhuge Yu smiled and put aside the somewhat heavy atmosphere and said: "Let the past go by. From now on, just treat Chen Li well. By the way, when will your housewarming party be held? I can let him go." You're bleeding profusely."

Chen Yunlan closed her eyes, hiding all her emotions, and said, "Come over tomorrow night, I'll be ready."

After that, the two of them didn't say anything else and hung up the phone.

The night was getting darker and darker. Chen Yunlan stared at the newly recorded number on his phone in a daze. This was the phone number Zhuge Yu had just given him. It was Wei Chen's number. Chen Yunlan was hesitating whether to call it.

Finally, Chen Yunlan mustered up the courage to make the call.

After a few rings, the phone was picked up, and Wei Chen's indifferent and cold voice came, "Hello." "

I'm Chen Yunlan..." Chen Yunlan held the phone tightly, thinking about the words before saying "I have moved to a new home. I will hold a housewarming party tomorrow. You can bring Chen Li over."

After saying this, Chen Yunlan waited with bated breath for Wei Chen's reply. It was only a few seconds, but Chen Yunlan felt that a century had passed. long.

"Okay, I'll bring Li Li over anyway." Wei Chen agreed.

Chen Yunlan was relieved at the mention, but also a little excited, "Okay, I will send you the address later. Can you tell me what Chen Li likes to eat? I will prepare something for him that he likes to eat."

Tomorrow has not come yet, but Chen Yunlan seems to have foreseen the scene when Chen Li comes to the house, and her nervous hands and feet have nowhere to go. Wei Chen said: "Li Li is not picky about food and likes everything."

"Yes, I understand." Chen Yunlan said a few words and then asked: "Chen Li, does he have any habits that need to be paid attention to..."

Chen Yun Lan Lala asked some miscellaneous questions about Chen Li, as if she was about to know all of Chen Li's preferences. She wished she could instantly transform into the person who understood Chen Li best, and would be very comfortable if Chen Li came to her home every day.

Wei Chen didn't get bored either, and told Chen Yunlan some of Chen Li's habits in a concise and concise manner. The two chatted for half an hour before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yunlan immediately jumped up from the chair. Regardless of whether it was getting late or not, she took her wallet and went out to do some shopping. She tried to dress up her home as Chen Li liked today and let Chen Liming come tomorrow. When I arrived, I felt very comfortable from the moment I walked in, instead of being nervous when I first arrived in a strange environment.

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