Slam The Door, Hit Ignore

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Parker yawned, music continued to blast in her ears as she tiredly waited for the elevator. Having the last few days off was nice she just relaxed and decorated her place for Christmas.

As the elevator doors opened she breathed a sigh of relief. No creep. She wouldn't admit it to anyone but she had been having anxiety over possibly running into him.

Things had been relatively quiet on that front unless you consider the large flower arrangements that had been delivered to her door. The first one was delivered hours after the ordeal with him outside her apartment door. Then the next day.. and the next..

And of course as she was walking up to her apartment door at a lovely six in the morning. Her stomach flipped uneasily as her eyes landed on yet new another arrangement, freshly delivered. They all sat outside her door untouched, unwanted. It was beginning to look more like a vigil than an apology but she had to admit creeper was spending a lot on flowers.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
She laughed as the line came through her air pods. That sounded about right.

It was his loss..

She shuddered at the thought of hooking up with the creep. She had been into him with his hot nerd thing.. that is until he showed his true colors.

Pushing into her apartment her thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the creep. He probably worked as a investment banker or maybe even a con man..
Where would a guy like that get so much money?

Did it matter ? No but she couldn't help how her thoughts wandered back to him. He was sending her flowers every day.

Per usual she slipped into the shower and washed her night away before pulling on some Christmas pjs and crawling into bed. Her muscles were sore and her mind exhausted.

Which is why when there was knocking at her door when she had only gotten a few hours of sleep she was pissed. When she opened the door however, she was absolutely livid..

"You've got to be kidding me... No no no—-" The tall boy visibly cringed as he saw the look of displeasure on her face. "—I—-sorry I—" Milo flinched as the door was suddenly slammed in his face.

He blew a breath through his lips realizing the worst scenario he could've imagined just happened.

Reluctantly he lifted his hand back to the door and knocked yet again.

"Dude what is your problem!?" He was about to speak when he noticed her cute Christmas pjs and her sleepy eyes, then it suddenly clicked for him.

"Shit, did I wake you up?" Her eyes glared at him and he felt even worse than he had been. If that was even possible..

"Sorry I just thought eleven was an appropriate time—-"

"—-Yes for people who go to bed at a normal time ! Not for people who go to bed at six in the morning!" She went to slam the door again but he smacked his palm against it, forcing his way into her personal space and irritating her even more than she knew was possible.

"Look I think we got off on the wrong foot here." He tried to shoot her his famous smile only for her to continue glaring. "Alright then.." Muttering under his breath he took his hand off the door to offer it to her.
"I-I'm Milo.. I just moved in this month.."

Parker stared at the hand he was holding out to her before lifting her eyes back to his. He had a genuine look of enthusiasm in his eyes and she was starting to wonder if he was mentally stable.

"Mmmhmm did you get kicked out of your last place for harassment?" His smile fell and his shoulders deflated as he slowly retracted his hand. Milo was the nicest and sweetest person in the world, most would say. He quite literally could flirt his way through just about anything and had the swagger and rizz to back it up. Being hated? Was simply not sitting right with him at all.

"I see you got the flowers.." He nervously chuckled, Parker raised her eyebrow not sure if she should be impressed or annoyed with his ability to rally. "I just.. Wasn't sure how to apologize for this type of thing... I swear I've never—"

"—Your just sorry you got caught.." Parker was about to shut her door yet again but Milo prevailed. He would be heard, he would win her over and they would be friends. This was just a simple misunderstanding..

"No! Please you have to believe me.. This is so incredibly off brand for me. I've never done something so assholish in my life! My mom would literally kill me if she ever heard about this.."

"Interesting.." She murmured under her breath, crossing her arms over her chest as she leaned against her door frame.

"Please I really hope we can just put this past us.. Maybe we could even be like friends?" Parker snorted, rolling her eyes. Yeah this dude was seriously mentally fucked in the head.

"Let me get this straight. You want to put this behind us?" She clarified, watching him nod his head like a golden retriever. "And be friends?" He smiled wide. "Yeah I really think—-"

"Tell your mom." Again his face fell and he stuttered as he took in her request. However her lips only curved into a smile as she looked up at him. Realizing she hit him somewhere where it hurt.

"If you really are just so sorry and this really is just one big misunderstanding, completely off brand as you said.. Tell your mom. Then and only then can you come back here and tell me how it went.. K? Cool, so great meeting you Miles Bye-bye!" Full of sarcasm she waved her hand before finally slamming the door in his face yet again. After locking all the locks along her door she laughed to herself knowing he would never follow though. Yawning she began heading back to her room. 
Fuck boys were the worst.

Milo hung his head as the door was slammed in his face the final time. Releasing a breath he ran a hand through his hair as he began to walk towards the elevator.

"She can't be serious..." He muttered, jamming his finger into the call button. "No.. she's not.. she's fucking with you.." Rocking back and forth on his heels as he debated her terms.

"No— she's never going to forgive you.. She's just trying to make you miserable.. She hates you." As the elevator doors opened he felt a lump in his throat and his stomach flipping uneasily. Her hating him would be something he would simply have to learn to live with.

No way in hell was he about to tell Camryn Manheim of his transgressions..

She'd kill him.


I slam the door (slam the door),
I hit ignore (hit ignore)
I'm saying, "No, no, no, no more"
I got you blocked, excited to never talk, 
I'm so sorry for your loss

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