Got You Blocked, An Afterthought

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Parker was bringing in her mail and trying to hold all her groceries when the person she had been trying to avoid at all costs of course saw her struggling towards the elevator.

"You've got to be fucking..." Cursing under her breath she scoffed as one of her bags broke and the contents spilled out into the elevator as Milo quickly got in. Both adults made eye contact for a second before both fell to their knees as they quickly began grabbing items as the elevator doors closed.

"You don't have to—"
"—I know.." Milo quietly answered, he looked at her other bags on the ground. "Do you mind if I just.."
"Go for it.." He tried to reorganize the bags. Making sure nothing got squished as he tried to put the heavy produce into various bags in hopes the flimsy plastic would hold up until she could put her groceries away.

Parker focused on the stuff she had in her hands, putting it in the other bag next to her as she watched the boy actually try and help her.

"Thanks.." Milo swallowed and gave her a polite nod as they stood up leaving all her bags on the floor while the elevator slowly ascended to their respected floors.

"So.. Got any plans for Thanksgiving?" He attempted to make small talk also proving he gotten quite a look at her grocery haul.

"You could say that.."

"Nice, having a lot of family over?" Parker only shook her head "no". The elevator door opened and both of them were just relieved this moment could be over.

"Did you want any help with—-" His offered died on his lips when she collected her bags and walked off the elevator without another word. The doors closing on him as he sunk against the metal sliding of the elevator while it began its slow climb up to his floor.

Yeah she definitely still hates your guts...


"I've never seen you this hung up before.." Wil commented as he watched his friend hang upside down on his bed. Currently scrolling through more items he could possibly have delivered to a certain woman who absolutely hated his guts. It was the day after Thanksgiving and all the friends were hanging out in Milo's apartment after spending their holiday with their family's.

"I'm not hung up! I just.. I feel awful.." He did. Never had he ever done something so stupid, uncalled for and just plain disgusting as objectifying a woman like that.. All because he was feeling a bit tipsy and kind of on one that night with all the attention ladies had been giving him at the parties he'd been attending. There was still no excuse and the idea that he sunk that low so easily pissed him off.

"I think your just overthinking it.. Like we've all done it." Wil shrugged his shoulders as Mason and other Will all agreed. They were the ones always sending random pictures they took of woman they thought were hot in the group chat though Milo always simply did not participate in the behavior. His mother raised him to not degrade woman. He usually gave his friends shit for it... not to just join in on it.

"I mean, did you kind of go a little overboard with the under the skirt, full on ass and thong shot? Completely, but with an ass like hers.. No one blames you." Will laughed bringing his beer to his lips as the rest of the guys agreed.

Milo deadpanned as he watched his friends suddenly pull out there phones to bring up their group chat. Scrolling to the picture that got him put here in the first place.

"Like could you imagine if he actually landed that though...If only the idiot didn't have his flash on."

"What the fuck!" Will held his head, gaping as one of his childhood best friends snatched his phone out of his hands after smacking him in the back of the head.

One by one his friends looked at him like he was crazy as they all had their phones taken from them by their freakishly tall best friend.

"Milo what the hell?"

"I'm deleting it from all of your phones like I should've made you do in the first place.." He muttered, his face flushed as he felt embarrassed that he took such a raunchy photo without someone's consent.

This was because of him. Like a punch it felt like he finally got it. Why Parker was so upset. All of his friends felt like they were inclined to suddenly have this intimate photo of her that was taken without her knowledge or consent. It was degrading, humiliating and just.. fuck!

He was such a bitch.


Parker's laughter abruptly stopped as her and her friend's eyes landed on a box gift wrapped and tied with a bow just sitting outside her apartment door.

" that... is that from the guy you were talking about?"

"Yeah..." Deflating she stepped over it, unlocking her door and heading into her apartment.

"Aren't you going to open it?" Her friend called out bewildered as she continued to stare at the package.

"It could be a bomb!" Kayla rolled her eyes and just gave Parker a look. "Parker.. Open the damn present."

Rolling her eyes, Parker muttered a fine under her breath. Her stomach fluttered as she walked back out her door. She tried to look unbothered by the present but the flowers, cookies and edible arrangements that had come in the recent weeks were beginning to make her feel uneasy.

"Has he sent you anything like this before?"
"Nope, always just food and flowers.." She held in a breath as she peeled off the bow. The wrapping paper falling away to reveal something that made her eyes go wide.

"Holy shit.." Holy shit was right.

A brand new sealed box of Studio Pro Beats now sat on her counter top. Kayla being nosy per usual, scanned the wrapping paper. Attached to the bow was a little tag.

"I don't expect you to forgive me but I figured I'd send you something you actually might like. Milo." As Kayla read the note aloud Parker felt a tight feeling in her chest.
"You were right, this guy does have money." Kayla picked up the beats, "like who can just afford arrangements like every other day and now these?!"

"Yeah.." Parker turned away from her friend, opening her fridge as if she was as unbothered by it all as she pretended to be.



"Are you okay?" Kayla had known Parker forever and while she knew her best friend was sarcastic and seemed more like a jagged piece of glass than an actual person... She knew deep down it was just a image. Parker always acted like things didn't really bother her as much as they did. Or that she didn't feel things...

"I'm fine... You know how much I just hate rich, privileged assholes.." Parker deflected, when she realized she was still staring into her fridge and also realized what she wanted or needed wasn't in there.

"You wanna go out tonight?"

"How is that even a question! Duh!" Kayla quickly pulled out her phone, texting their usual group. Parker making a beeline for her master bathroom to get ready.

She was going to do what she did best.
Look hot as fuck, get drunk and hopefully not remember a thing in the morning.


I'm saying, "No, no, no, no more"
I got you blocked after this, an afterthought
I finally cut you off
I feel so much lighter like a feather with you off my mind, ah
Floating through the memories like whatever, you're a waste of time, ah

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