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Bells jingled and hooves crunched in the freshly fallen snow, the wheels turned and split the icy puddles apart. The gypsy cob happily trotted through the streets. Most of the inhabitants ran out onto the streets to greet the driver and marvel at the black and white steed that pulled the carriage proudly.  The horse neighed loudly as it trotted out of the town and into the snowy winter wonderland. They passed a few horse riders who walked their horses through the cold, white powder. The gentlemen tipped their hats as they passed. It started to snow again as they reached the next town. 

The carriage driver stopped the horse just outside a tavern, "I won't be long," he says patting the horse's neck and giving him a carrot. The driver took a few presents from the carriage and gave them to the innkeeper and his family. By this time a dusting of snow had settled along the back of the horse which whinnied as they started off to their next destination. The driver delivered presents to all of the town. The Christmas Carriage was also a sign that Christmas was indeed here, the horse was loved just as much as the driver was. 

It brought many smiles to many people and children alike, as they reached the great town square everyone rushed out and surrounded the cart, they all lined up waiting for all their gifts to be delivered to them. Some people even fussed the horse who eagerly took the carrots from the happy inhabitants, he whinnied happily as he accepted the fuss and praise. Snow started to fall and a dusting of white settled on the rump of the black and white horse. Soon they set off in the direction of their next village. Once every village or town received their gifts they returned home before a blizzard hit. 

The horse was wrapped up in his thick red blanket with the white sheep skin trim, a bucket of warm feed and a bucket of well-earned carrots. The driver enjoyed a glass of mulled wine and mince pies with his feet up by the fire. 

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