Cold Day

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The snow was here. As vehicles passed, it turned to slush and sprayed over people as they walked on the pavement. It was getting late, and the fog collected under the lamplights. People were wrapped up in thick clothing, but the cold still seemed to seep into the smallest gaps in the clothing. People wrapped their arms around themselves as they continued to brave the freezing weather.  Christmas lights twinkled and glittered on several houses, inflatables stood alongside them and even the trees outside were decorated with baubles too. The snow had been falling all day. It was thick now, and it crunched as people walked the cold white powdered paths. 

The wind became stronger and stronger and whistled around the neighbourhood, a few people were blown back almost slipping over and being coated in the cold slush. As the snow became progressively worse the cars no longer ventured out, people took advantage of this and started pulling out their sleds and sliding down the cold roads. People slid along the road as their dogs almost pulled them off their feet.  As the night drew on the colder it became. Snow angels soon decorated the empty road and several snowmen popped up everywhere, most if not all were all wearing scarves. 

Sticks protrude from the side of the snowmen decorated with gloves and mittens. The streets were filled with laughter and joy as everyone enjoyed the festive season. But others were watching from windows in their warm houses, with hands wrapped around mugs of hot chocolate. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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