Ch. 25

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The front door to the home swung open. Bijou was there in an instant, taking the young man's cloak. He was garbed in rather nice apparel with his blond hair smoothed back as always. Unseeing eyes didn't take away the joyous emotion in his expression.

"Delighted to see you home, Master Lothaire." The elf bowed briefly with a smile. "Six weeks is a long time to be away."

"Indeed. But duty calls, I'm afraid."

Bijou let slip a soft, knowing giggle. "If Bijou may be so bold, Master has another duty as well. A more important one."

Ominis's brows rose slightly. "Raven hasn't…"

"Not yet. Madam isn't due for another five weeks."

The man breathed a sigh of relief that he hadn't missed anything. "Where is she now?"

"Where she always is after dinner - with her beasts."

Five years had passed after they'd graduated from Hogwarts. Ominis had made good on his promise and married Raven as soon as he was able. Despite his family's annoying letters, he chose his own path in life. He discarded the Gaunt name and took Lothaire as his own. He and Sebastian had become Aurors for the Ministry, and had been fortunate enough to become partners. Anne went on to teach Potions class at Hogwarts, leaning into her talents for brewing. And Raven was already a successful Magizoologist and Dragonologist, often working alongside her fellow Magizoologist friend Poppy. Under normal circumstances, Raven would be on a trip or some kind of job for the Ministry as well, but she had a temporary leave due to her current condition.

Ominis climbed the stairs of the foyer. It seemed like only yesterday when he first visited Armel's secluded abode by the cape. It almost felt strange to take up residence there after his passing, but it truly felt like home to Ominis, especially since he shared it with the love of his life. The illness that took Armel had caused Raven much grief for a time, but he passed with the confidence that Ominis would give his granddaughter a happy life.

When he arrived at their bedroom, he gingerly opened the door just in case Raven had returned and already fallen asleep. He was greeted by a welcoming meow.

"Hello, Whiskers," the man greeted, recognizing the call of their beloved Kneazle. "Happy to see me?"

His wand guided him to the bed where he sensed the feline. Upon petting his head, Whiskers purred in delight and rubbed against his hand. Ominis chuckled. He then turned his focus to the wardrobe that led to the vivarium, and navigated through it. Singing Fwoopers and a crashing waterfall were the first familiar sounds to meet his ears. He traversed the different areas of the vivarium, seeking out his wife. As expected, she was in her favorite place - the dragon's territory.

Raven had grown in beauty and grace since their fifth year, or at least Ominis thought so. As much as he loathed how often his work took him away, he adored coming home to her. The woman was currently out in the mountainous terrain Spitfire and Striker called home. The large Hebridean Black was crouched low in front of her, head down with the tip of her snout lightly pressed against Raven's swollen belly. Raven couldn't help but smile at the dragon's maternal instincts kicking in. She rubbed her nose, earning a soft grumble from the beast. Spitfire suddenly retracted her head, growling softly.

Raven turned her head, finally realizing her husband was there. "Ominis." She was quick to press a firm hand against the dragon's nose. "Spitfire," she said in a warning tone. "It's all right. Be good." The beast seemed to whine and watch her walk hastily to the wizard. She didn't hesitate to engulf Ominis in a hug. "Welcome home! I didn't know you'd get back today!"

Ominis embraced her, feeling her large belly against his abdomen. "Sebastian and I finished up early." He took the side of her face, directing her head up so he could kiss her. "And I have to admit, knowing I get to come home to be in your arms motivates me to work more quickly and efficiently." He smiled at the soft laugh she gave. "Should you really be out here, though? I'd prefer if you left the beasts to Bijou until after the birth."

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