We Are Family

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Via's POV - last week of May

              As the plane touched down at Nice airport, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. I had just finished my PhD and I was now gonna stay with my family in Monaco for a couple of months before moving to Italy to start my new job. Despite the close bond between my three brothers and me, our adult lives and responsibilities often kept us apart, especially since I had been living in the US for the past decade. However, the opportunity to watch Charles drive in one of the most iconic circuits in Formula 1 provided the perfect excuse for me and Ben to reconnect with our family. My youngest brother, Arthur, was waiting for us at the airport with uncontainable enthusiasm. I waved at him, but he made a beeline to Ben, completely ignoring me.

''How's my favorite nephew?'', he said, scooping Ben in his arms.

''Hello to you too.'', I chuckled.

''I've missed you, sis. How have you been, Dr. Leclerc?'', Arthur asked as he side-hugged me.

''I'm great! I can't believe I've finally made it... I'm a single mother to a four year-old son and still managed to earn a PhD degree. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm really proud of myself.'', I timidly said.

''As you should be! As you said, you got a freaking PhD while raising your son... that's not for the weak. You more than deserve this job at Ferrari and everything else coming your way. I'm so proud of you. We are all so proud of you.'', he said, kissing the top of my head.

''Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.''

''Anytime, sis, anytime.''

''Alright, let's get going. I really miss my family.''

               After a 30-minute drive, we arrived at the house where we had all grown up. It always felt comforting to return to familiar surroundings. As soon as Arthur parked the car, my mother rushed out to greet me, engulfing me in a warm embrace.

"Ma chérie, I missed you so much! How was your trip?", she asked.

"It was fine. I made it here in one piece, with no missing luggage.", I replied.

''And how's my favorite grandson?'', she asked as she picked Ben in her arms.

              Ben's arms instinctively reached for her neck as he snuggled into her embrace. The deep connection between those two had formed since his birth.

"Let's go inside, your brothers are already here.", she said, leading the way.

"Even Charles? Shouldn't he be resting before the big race tomorrow?", I inquired.

"Only after he sees his big sister...", Charles interjected, appearing from behind.

"Hey, Mr. P3. Are you ready for tomorrow?", I asked, hugging him tightly.

"As ready as one can be, but having you and Ben here only makes things better.", he replied, a smile lighting up his face.

"I missed you too, even you Lorenzo.", I chuckled, acknowledging my eldest little brother, who had quietly joined us.

"How is the only smart person and the cutest nephew in this family doing?", Lorenzo playfully asked.

"Hey, you guys are smart too... we've talked about this. Just because I studied abroad doesn't make me special.", I protested, with a playful grin.

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