Break Your Heart

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Y/N's POV - Tuesday, August 29th - before Monza

            This week was very important for me and Carlos: it was the Monza GP. We were both very busy, but we had agreed on taking Ben to Mirabilandia together before we left. It was the afternoon right now, but we'd be going tomorrow morning to spend the day. As much as this race wasn't that far from home, it was our "home race" and the paddock would be chaotic, so we decided not to bring him along, but that one day we would.

Hey Via, I need to cancel our plans tomorrow.


Work, something about a sponsor.

You said that we'd have you all day tomorrow. Why can't you just tell them that you can't go?

Because it's my job, and it's important.

And we're not? Whether you like it or not, we're family.

Via, I'm sorry, but I have to go...

So getting a few dollars more is more important than spending time with your son, the son who's first four years you weren't there?

That's nor what I meant...

Fine, whatever.

Y/N's POV - Wednesday, 30th - before Monza

            I had already put Ben to bed and was finishing packing my bags for tomorrow when I heard a knock on the door. Who the hell is knocking at midnight, especially when it's pouring?!? I took a deep breath and went to the front door to look through the peephole. Carlos?!? I quickly opened the door. Carlos stood there, completely soaked. His hair, normally fluffy, sat dripping on his head, framing his face. I looked at his chest. The white shirt had become very transparent and I couldn't tear my eyes away. It stuck to him, enhancing all his muscles, and all I wanted to do was run my hand across his chest.

"What are you do- what the hell happened to your face?!?"

"I didn't know where else to go.", he said, lowering his gaze.

"But what happened?!?"

"I, uh, I was in an accident.", he mumbled, "I went to the hospital to get checked out and I'm fine."

"You were in an accident and you didn't call, text, nothing?!?", I shouted.


"I need to know his type of stuff! I don't care what you do at night or who you're with, but I'm your son's mother, Carlos, I deserve to know!".

"I'm sorry, Via, I just didn't want to scare or bother you.", he sighed.

             I just couldn't say no to him. I had a weakness for him and could never kick him out or anything like that. Deep down I somehow knew he didn't really mean any harm.

"Carlos, you could never bother me.", I sighed, "You're Ben's dad, you can always talk to me. I like to believe that I'm not just your engineer, but I'm also your friend."

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