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"Absolutely not" I say dropping my keys and wallet on the shelf as I entered my house.

" I don't understand. Nilaya and Gauri are going" My 14 year old daughter follows me in stomping. She chucks her bag on the floor and folds her little arms around her looking super upset. 

"I don't care Maya, you're not going" I look her in the eyes and say more firmly.

"What's all this about?" Fahad my partner walks into the living room where we're both standing engaged in a staring match. 

"That's so unfair. Tell him he's being unfair" She yells towards Fahad instead of answering him, pointing her finger at me.

"She wants to go to a party. There are going to be boys" I say as calmly as I possibly can.

"Ok..." Fahad starts "She's been to parties with boys before Karan.."

"This is that kid Tay's house." This shuts Fahad up. We aren't the kind of parents to judge, but unfortunately Tay's parents have recently been through a rather messy divorce. The kid lives with the mother who is a little all over the place. She also allows the kid to stay home alone and have friends over without adult supervision. Which is a big fat no for me. 

"You're so judgy. Tay is a great guy" Maya says looking at me again.

"I'm not being judgy. You girls said his mom may, may not be there. Isn't that what  Nilaya told you when I picked you up?"

"Oh so now you're eavesdropping on my conversations?" The sass that comes out of this one. 

"I wasn't eavesdropping. That kid doesn't know how to whisper" Frustrated I move into the living room and plop down on my couch. Our four year old,  Ahaan,  comes barreling down the stairs straight into my lap. 

"Dada! you're back" he says planting a kiss on my cheek. Ah to have one kid who loves me. I give him a nice bone crushing hug as I watch my daughter's frown get bigger.

"Arrrrgh you are so frustrating" Maya continues in her whiney teenager voice  "Why can't you just let me be a normal kid? None of the other parents are being so difficult" 

"I don't care about the other parents or their kids. You're my daughter and your safety is all I care about" I grumble.

"Please you didn't even know me till last year, and suddenly I'm your responsibility? At least my earlier foster parents let me do what I want" 

"Maya..." Fahad now says a little sternly. He knows I hate this part of our conversations. Yes it's true we didn't even know Maya till 16 months ago when we got a call from my friend at the adoption agency saying she had a 12 year old girl who they were finding hard to place. 

Fahad and I already had our hands full with Ahaan, who we had adopted from the same agency a few years ago, but something pulled me to go visit this little girl. And I swear it was love at first sight. 

She sat grumpy and quietly all through the time we spent together. She had lost her father and her mother could no longer look after her and have given her up for adoption when she was barely 6. They tried settling her with two families, but they had sent her back saying she was aggressive and sulky. Fahad was a little unsure at first but I was positive I wanted her in our lives. 

I understood that Fahad was worried about her with Ahaan but she took to him immediately and was strangely always happy to watch over him and play with him. She eventually grew quite fond of Fahad as well. Though she didn't open up much to him either but she was much better with him than with me. 

Unfortunately we just kept ramming our heads together about everything. If no one knew she was adopted they could have sworn she was my own blood, just as stubborn and grumpy apparently. 

"Yes you are my responsibility Maya. And you will be forever"

"Forever please. As if." She rolls her eyes but I can see the fear in her eyes. I know she's always thought we would be like the others. That if she pushed hard enough and upset us we would send her back as well. 

"Maya..." I say softly, putting Ahaan down and push myself to the edge of the couch. "You know no matter what happens you're going to be our little girl for the rest of your life" 

She blinks back tears. She's frustrated and angry. her whole body is stiff. 

"Baby you know we love you. Just like Ahaan. You guys are our family" Fahad offers. 

She's backed into a little corner now and I can see her wanting to run. What she doesn't understand is this corner is her safe space. I'm hoping she'll sense that and calm down.

Flicking her eyes between us trying to process everything I see her straighten her back and jut her chin out. Yup she's going for aggressive. 

"Fine then if you'll really love me and trust me let me go for this party" Ok maybe passive aggressive. 

Fahad sighs and looks at me knowing this isn't going to end well. 

"Absolutely not" I say again getting up from the couch. 

"So you don't trust me?" she tries

"It's not about not trusting you it's about wanting to look out for you kiddo. There is a difference."

"Bullshit." she screams out and I loose it.

"You know what? Just for that you're not going anywhere for the next two weeks. Stay home and stay in your damn room." I scream back. Clearly not winning at this parenting part of my life.

Stamping her feet Maya turns towards the stairs screaming as she runs up "I wish you had never got me home. You're the worst dad ever. I hate you" I hear the slam of her door.

But my heart instead of feeling low and sad, feels like it's floating with happiness. 

I turn towards Fahad seeing a small smile play on his lips in understanding. 

"She said..." I say my grin widening and my eyes tearing up "She just called me... she acknowledged.."

"Yeah baby. She just called you Dad. The worst one ever though mind you.."

"I'll take it" I say stupid tears rolling down my cheeks. 

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