Lost our chance...

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"Looks like you've lost your chance."

I said that to myself over and over again as I stormed out of his building.

I walked past the little ice cream store round the corner of his place and thought of our first meeting there. The cliched girl bumps into boy- ice cream smashed onto his shirt trope.

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have fallen for him? Ah yes.. it was his sweet words and his, let's be honest, incredibly good looks?

I crossed the road, a tear rolling down my cheek, would it be worth it? 

Now that I had gone ahead and said everything I had said. Said things I couldn't take back. No, I wouldn't take back. 

"Be honest and communicate" thats the only advice mum gave me when I had called her three days ago crying. 

I walked faster as the tears came down with a vengeance. I knew people were looking but it didn't matter anymore. 

The more I thought about it the more I realised what had just happened. 

What I had just done. What had I just done? 

No, I was right in telling him off. 

If he thought I was stubborn he was a brick wall. If he thought I was naive about the world well, he was an absolute pessimist. Glass half full, glass fully empty, we were poles apart. 

We tried, the last two years we really tried. I took less work, he shifted jobs. We both listened to our mums less but used their advice more. 

If he couldn't handle this now, then we were doomed in the future. I wiped my nose, put my head up high and squared off my shoulders. 

I was right. Sure there was a lot right. Sure he made my coffee just right. Sure our cuddles felt just right. Sure our music made the other sway just right. But I was right in walking off right now. 

He had to know. He had to know I would have stayed if he had asked. If he had simply apologised and listened. 

No more second guessing yourself girl. If I had lost my chance, well so had he. 

And then I heard it. Softly at first and then clearer. My name being called out by that all too familiar voice. 

I guess, we hadn't lost our chance... on love"

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