Chapter Five: Colette

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After about an hour and a half, Dean parked his car inside the bunker and went into the backseat, gently carrying Alex's body inside. He quickly jogged into one of the spare rooms and gently placed her on the bed. He went into the bathroom down the hall, grabbed a medical kit and headed back to the spare room where Alex was starting to wake up.

"Where am I?" She asked as she tried to get up but winced in pain.

"Stay down Marlowe. You got hurt pretty bad." He replied as he rushed over to her and sat by her.

"You got a deep cut right on your stomach there. You mind if I lift up your dress a little? You know to disinfect the cut and stitch you up." He asked as he looked anywhere but her big brown eyes.

"Um yeah, sure Dean." She replied softly. He gently lifted the hem of her red lace dress and chuckled as he noticed the black sports tights Alex was wearing.

"Wasn't what you were expecting huh Dean-o?" She giggled, then winced in pain. He shook his head and grabbed a bottle of peroxide and some cotton swabs.

"You might wanna hold on to something, this is gonna hurt like a bitch." He said as he poured some of the peroxide on one of the swab and began to place it on her cut.

He watched as her face contorted in pain as he continued to clean the wound.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She grunted back.

He continued to clean up her wounds and noticed some old scars on her body. I wonder how she got those scars thought Dean as he finally cleaned up the wounds.

Next he grabbed a needle and some dental floss that was already threaded and gently braced his hand against her lower abdomen. He looked back to her almost asking her if it was okay to continue and she nods. He began to pierce her skin with the needle and began to stitch her up. It didn't take him long until he finished the last stitch, then took a pair of scissors and cutting off the floss.

"And you're done kiddo. Take these painkillers it'll help a little." Said Dean as he took some pills and a water bottle from the kit and handed them over.

Alex took the pills gratefully and popped them into her mouth, then taking the bottle from his hand, twisting the cap and taking a sip. "I really don't know how to thank you Dean." She replied, smiling weakly.

"I know how." He replied, giving her a wolfish grin and she sighs shaking her head.

"Must you cheapen the moment?"

"Yeah." His smile grows wider and he chuckles.

"Get some rest Marlowe. Don't want you driving around all hopped up on drugs." He said as he got up from the edge of the bed and headed towards the door.

He shut the door behind him and walked down the long hallway and into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the refrigerator then walked to the library, sitting at the polished wooden table and turning on his laptop.

"Dean?" Dean heard Sam shout as he heard the bunker door slam shut.

"In the library." He replied, looking at the bottle of beer in his hands, debating on whether or not he should drink it. "I brought pizza if you want some. How's she doing?" He asked as he sat down across from Dean.

"She's okay now. Stitched her up and gave her some painkillers, she's passed out in one of the spare rooms." Dean replied as he continued to stare at the beer bottle.

"Hey Sam?" Dean asked, looking up from the bottle.

"What's up?" he asked as he took a slice of pizza from the box.

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