Chapter Fifteen: Uncovered

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Dean woke up the next day a little later than usual and took a look of his surroundings, only to realize he wasn't in his room.

What the fuck? He asked himself before turning his head, seeing Alex beside him, naked and sleeping soundly.

Events from the night before flooded his head and he smiled, laying back down to study the features on his girlfriend.

Brown hair splayed across her face, he trailed his gaze down to her button nose and parted, full lips then chuckled at the mark on her neck. One that he clearly made.

She stirred a bit and the blanket fell passed her belly button and there, Dean could see the scars and tattoos that marked up her fair skin. He took his hand and gently traced along one of her tattoos by her ribcage.

Не ходите нежно в ту хорошую ночь. Ярость, гнев против смерти света. It read.

I wonder what that means. Dean thought to himself.

He then noticed the large scar on her stomach. The one she got on the day they met. By the looks of it, the scar was barely visible. She started to stir again and her eyes began to flutter open, her big brown eyes furrowing into his own green eyes.


"Hi. How long were you staring at me?" She asked groggily.

"Not long." Dean replied. "How'd you sleep?" He brushed the stray hairs from her face and tucking them behind her ear.

"Great." She giggled. "Last night was amazing." She added leaning in and pressing her lips gently against his.

"It was awesome." Dean added to her complement. "How's your hand?"

"Doesn't hurt anymore so I'll live. What about you? You okay Dean-o?"

"Yeah, fine." He tried to convince her.

"So what was up with the whole "Sir" thing last night?" Dean asked, quickly switching topics and watching her cheeks flush pink.

"Sorry babe.Heat of the moment."

"No need to apologize baby girl." Dean kissed her nose. "That was actually pretty hot."

He shifted his body so that Alex was underneath him as he leaned in and kissed her gently.

"Dean sto- oh." She let out a soft moan as his hand sneaks in between her legs.

"Mmmm baby girl. Love those pretty little sounds you make."He groaned as he started to leave marks on her neck.

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