Chapter Twelve: Destinations

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Alex sat in the passenger side of Dean's Impala as Led Zeppelin played softly in the background. The drive was mostly silent as Alex laid her head against the window. That kiss was amazing. Who knew Dean Winchester was gonna make the first move, and not only that, he's an amazing kisser. She thought to herself as she traced her kissed-swollen bottom lip with her index finger. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the elder Winchester staring at her.

"Eyes front, Winchester. Don't wanna crash your Baby." She teased.

He barely chuckled and looked back at the road, shaking his head.

"So what was that kiss about? You know back at the bunker?" Alex asked after a long, awkward, pause. The mere thought was starting to eat at her after all.

Dean looked at her from the corner of his eye. "Heat of the moment Marlowe." He simply replied.

Her heart immediately sank down to her stomach. "Oh." She replied softly as her gaze dropped to her hands. Of course I read into it too much. It meant nothing. Alex thought to herself, then suddenly Dean swerved off the asphalt and onto a dirt road.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Alex asked as he pulled the car to a stop at a clearing.

Dean shut off Baby, then turned to the brown eyed hunter. "Do you trust me?" He questioned with a sly smirk on his robust face.

"Yes." She breathed out, heart on the brink of stopping with that flirtatious smirk as they hopped out of the Impala and made their way to the front of baby Dean helped Alex up on the hood.

"Is there a reason why we're out here?" Alex asked as she laid back and rested her head on the windshield. "I mean this is beautiful and all but there's obviously a reason why we're here."

Dean who was looking up at the stars, tore his gaze from them to stare at her. "Sometimes I like to sit here and just think." He sincerely responded.

"What do you like to think about?" She asked, the curiosity getting the best of her.

Dean looked pensive for a moment, trying to think of the right thing to say. "It was July 1996." He began to speak. "I somehow managed to take Baby from dad while he was sleeping and I would drive here to this exact spot with Sammy." Dean added as he laid back on the windshield beside her. "Sam and I snuck in some fireworks from a hunt we had back in San Francisco and decided to light them off."

Alex as mesmerized as Dean continued to go on about his memories with his baby brother. The way his viridian green eyes lit up whenever he talked about protecting Sam all his life and yet, she had a feeling that there was something going on between the two brothers.

"You're an amazing big brother Dean but he's mad at you isn't he?" Alex said out of the blue, making Dean stop in his tracks.

"What?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

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