Chapter 3: Silver spoon 🥄

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Note: Due to some technical reason position of chapter 2 and chapter 3 has been replaced. Thus I kindly request the readers to read chapter 2 before reading this chapter. Thank you for understanding.

It was almost a week since Joshua started working on the company. He was pressed by the bulk of works he piled upon himself. Although it was something that he didn't wanted to do initially he was a responsible person. The responsibility he has taken, he wanted to fulfill it as perfectly as he can.
As the time went by his perspective about people being two faced was getting proved right as he often found people badmouthing him behind his back but as soon as they saw him they pretend like they are the only people who support him the most in the company. They often say things like,
"He is a spoiled brat from a rich family, all he will know is how to play around and spend money recklessly."
"The company is doomed afterall it's going to be operated and handel by an amateur who got it just because he was born with silver spoon in his mouth."
Some people commented on how he is all pretty face and nothing else yet he is all high and mighty.
Joshua was aware of all these things being talked about him but it was not a shock for him. This was how he has been treated since that ungrateful day he was asked to take over his grandfather's company and it's responsibility.

In the first week he spent on the company he was able to recognize most of the people's true face. Some higher ups liked to talk shit about him the chance they get but then pile up the flowers of praises when they talk with him. Most employees didn't directly approached him due to the power difference. The only employees he mostly had interactions with were the Marketing department as it was the closest department to chief's cabin. He was busy enough to not give a damn about what is being said about him. He didn't even cared how other people think about him yet there was this one particular smile he couldn't help but notice.

Since the first day of his work till date he noticed that the goofy looking talkative guy from the elevator was not just talkative but also loud. Every Time he passed by the marketing department he can hear the department being loud and most of the time it was him. But this loudness was filled with cheerful environment and laughters. He was also very quick and perfect in his job.

Joshua noticed him even more as he was the one who visited the cabin the most. Whether it's to present the reports of the meeting or to bring the files Joshua asked for, it was him who brings it with an smile that spreads from ear to ear. Joshua was able to understand most of the people but him. When it comes to him he couldn't figure out what's he thinking? Sometimes he even questioned himself if this guy even thinks something or not. This guy was one of the mystery yet to be solved by Joshua.

"Hey, you guys heard? Chief left the dinner yesterday just like that without a single word."
" I heard company's diva was trying to hit on him so she offered him drink and he left the dinner because he didn't like her ."
"Wow are you serious?"
Some of the employees from marketing department were gossiping near the food inventory.
"Wow it seems like we lack work in our department, so many people are free enough to gossip." Dokyeom said very sarcastically.

"Ohh Dokyeom~ssi welcome" they welcomed Dokyeom to join them.
"There are rumours going on at the company about chief being very rude and arrogant even to elders."
"Yeah most of the employees who had dinner meet with chief are saying that he had meetings with them just to show that they are not of his level and all."
"Their was even nastier rumour going on that the meetings he is doing with each department is to look for people he can exploit and what not. Mr Go from HRM was talking about it."

"Hey, rumours are called rumours for a reason you know. They are baselessly made up lies or assumptions that should not be trusted until proven right with evidence." Dk said with a cold tone. He hated when people made rumours a big thing and discuss around for their own satisfaction.
"And you guys are believing the words of the guy who was going around saying Mr kang Tae Soo have two wives and a secret lover who is man and all. Are you guys serious?" Dk said with a scoff.

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