Chapter 8: Pain

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"I was boiling with anger. 'Get lost' I shouted while avoiding the eye contact with him that may have disgusted me. I was trying to control the anger that has been building up within my self but it all went to vain when I heard someone shouting at me to watch out. I turned around to see what was going on and what I witnessed numbed all my senses. Seokmin was infront of me, grunting with pain but still holding Jay down."

Joshua didn't expect something like this to happen at all. He was shocked but he quickly gained his composure and called security immediately. Jay was struggling to get out of Dokyeom's grasp but he finally did it after kicking Dokyeom in his stomach. Luckily by now some of the people from department below were already heading towards the cabin after hearing some commotion. Jay was caught again by Hyuk Shin in front door. They saw Dokyeom in floor gasping and panting because of pain and Joshua panicked trying to call the security.

"Oh my god, Dokyeom you are bleeding." Young shouted panicking when she saw DK's shoulder covered in blood. His white cotton shirt was soaked with blood all over which made it even more scarier. Joshua was done with calling security so he immediately rushed towards Dokyeom getting in his knee to be at equal height with him. Young was panicking but so was he, yet he tried to stay as calm as possible and do what must be done in such situation.

Joshua gently held Dokyeom supporting his body to sit straight. He then started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Chief... I" Dokyeom was feeling embarrassed but seeing how serious Joshua looks he stayed silent.

"We need to stop your shoulder from bleeding" Joshua said in a very small voice trying to be as calm as possible.
"We should call someone from infirmary" Joshua said while gently holding his handkerchief against the wound to stop it from bleeding.

"I have first aid training sir let me take care of this." Haegguk said as he took the first aid box from Ji Su.

Dokyeom was obviously in pain but seeing people around him so worried he thought it was necessary for him to assure them that he is okay. He looked at Young who was in verge of tears so he finally spoke,"Guys I'm fine. It's not that

"Don't talk." Both Joshua and Young said in unison which made Dokyeom chuckle. It was painful but seeing everyone worrying and taking care of him he thought it's not that bad. " Honestly that kick I received hurts more than the stab." Dokyeom said sighing but got startled when Joshua started unbuttoning the remaining part of shirt.

"They need to treat your wound properly. It can't be done with your shirt still on." Joshua explained as if he knew Dokyeom was questioning. He gently held Dokyeom supporting him to get on the chair. After cleaning the wound and applying betadine Haegguk was now bandaging Dokyeom's shoulder.

On the other side security was arrived and Jay was restrained. Jihoon was done with talking to the police so police was arriving as well.

"Take him to the hospital." Joshua said pointing at Dokyeom. He was going to talk with Jihoon regarding the case but,
"Sir I don't think hospital is necessary."
Dokyeom was silenced by Joshua. Joshua was looking angry and scary. He didn't even utter a word, he just put his finger in his lips and it was enough of an indication for Dokyeom to not say anything further.

"Young, you take Dokyeom to hospital. Rest of you get back to work. Creating a larger chaos won't be good." Jihoon said and Joshua nodded as response. Hara came to the scene with Dokyeom's spare shirt he keeps in office just in case. Dokyeom got changed and was escorted to the car by his co-workers and taken to the hospital.

"Let's go." Jihoon said as he and Joshua got off from the car. After settling things with police they were now at the hospital. Joshua was going to let go Jay with a simple resignation despite of the losses that happened because of him but after the incident Joshua was enraged. He was determined to charge Jay with every possible punishment. He was even prepared with evidence. He was going to press him with an attempt to murder charges as well. Jihoon has to calm him down and help police for further processing calmly. Honestly Jihoon was equally furious or maybe even more than Joshua but in such situation at least one person needs to be rational is what he thought and maintained his composure.

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