Chapter 12

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"I was worried whether Dan will adapt to the new environment easily or not. When I asked him if he wants to work for me I had no expectations. After all we had no connections for past some years. But seeing him adjust to the office environment and employees I'm somewhat relieved. At the same time I am unable to explain the weird sensation I had yesterday when I saw him getting all friendly with the employees. Was it so easy to get close and familiar with them in such a short time? He has barely been here for a month but he can easily hold a normal conversation and laugh, something that I'm unable to do."

Joshua's trail of thoughts get distracted by the sound of his door opening. Danny enters the room with a subtle smile," I talked with Manager Jihoon, he said he has a friend in IT that can help us, I will see what I can add from my side." Danny was met with Jihoon on the third day of his arrival, since then three of them have been taking care of much more things anonymously. Afterall there mission is big and risky and requires a lot of efforts in order to not mess it up.

"Good. I guess you and Jihoon~ssi can handle it then. Report me when you find something." The atmosphere that was heavy just some seconds ago falters when Danny's tight facial expression changes into a big smile.

"And also Congratulations. Happy birthday brother." Danny greets his brother with a large grin. They both engulf each other in a warm hug....
"You remember?"
"I never forgot."

Their interaction gets distracted by the ringing of Joshua's phone. He excuses himself to take a look only to find an unknown number. Joshua don't actually pick up calls from unknown numbers in his personal phone. If it is related to important business Danny and Ji Su manage it. He was about to ignore the call but his intuition told him otherwise.


"Hello Joshuji. Still alive I see."]

The caller in the other end was remarking slyly but it gave Joshua instant joy when he recognised the voice.

["Hey Asshole
   What the fuck.
Since when did you start calling me first?]

Upon realising that he had suddenly started cussing he warily looked at his junior who understood the weight of the situation and left the room.

["Hey now don't make it sound
like I never call you."

"Ohh really? When was
the last time you sincerely
called me just for the sake of
knowing my well being."

"Ahh tough question. I don't
know... maybe like 9/10
Years ago, when we were
barely friends.

"Wow what a nice
thing to hear my friend.
So what did you call for?"

"Nothing much just wanted
to congratulate you and
rub it in your face that you
are old now. 30 years old lol."

"FYI you are older than
me hannie."

"Ayee..., I stopped
aging after twenty two."

Both of them had a good laugh for a while and they continued again.

"Btw where is ma
asparagus boy."

"Beside me. Sulking
that I ate his last piece
of drumsticks.

"Oi... Stop making fun of me.
Shua~yaa. Happy birthday."]

Joshua was more than just happy to hear the familiar voices of one of the very few people he trusted and cared. While thinking 'it hasn't been that long since I have been walking with these weirdos' to  'if they are with me I don't have to worry about nothing' Joshua didn't even realise how it's almost gonna be a decade long of friendship. They had a lot to catch up with, so without realising they talked for almost 20 minutes.

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